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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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AAM (African Association of Madison)
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 07:00:05 -0600
text/plain (59 lines)
Hummmm. Several months ago, I attended a public dialogue. At the public
dialogue, a mayor Bauman said that racial profiling did not exist in
Madison, even though the Madison Chief of Police said that racial profiling
did exist in Madison.
Is the same mayor Bauman conducting this public dialogue?

At 04:51 PM 3/9/01 -0600, Peter Munoz wrote:
>From: Pam Williamson 03/09/01 03:17PM >>>
>Friday, March 9, 2001
>CONTACT: Ryan Mulcahy, Assistant to the Mayor, 266-4611
>Mayor Susan J.M. Bauman invites members of Madison's communities of
>color to join her continuing public dialogue next week.
>In continuing efforts to improve race relations in Madison,  Mayor
>Bauman began meeting separately with African Americans, Native
>Americans, South East Asians, and Latinos in 2000.  The meetings
>provided an opportunity for individuals to share concerns and hopes
>for Madison directly with the Mayor.  In 2001 the meetings will be
>held jointly with all persons of color invited to join the discussion
>and become better acquainted with each other.
>Next week's public meeting will be Thursday, March 15, from 7 - 8:30
>p.m., in Room 260 of the Madison Municipal Building, 215 Martin Luther
>King, Jr. Boulevard.
>Mayor Bauman will begin the evening session by reporting on the steps
>the City has taken in response to a number of concerns raised at
>earlier meetings with the Mayor.  Although Thursday's meeting is
>expressly designed to be of interest to Madison's many people of
>color, others who wish to attend are welcome.
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"When I feed the poor, they call me a saint.  When I ask why people are
poor, they call me a communist".  -- Dom Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil
Nathaniel Harwell, a.k.a. NWA

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