Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 19:13:34 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (44 lines)
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, judy genova wrote:

> Hi Dave, and welcome to the list.  I remember the first time I read Ray
> Audette's food diary, I too shook my head in disbelief.  Now, I outdo some
> of his portions myself.....

To add an obligatory counterpoint, if weight loss is your goal,
unlimited consumption of Neanderthin foods may or may not work.
It didn't work for me and several others on this list.  I was
able to lose weight finally, although I've never reached a low
body fat level, but only by a very restrictive regimen.

> My biggest mistake in hindsight, was being afraid to really let myself "go"
> and eat as much meat and fat as my body was asking for.  My mind kept
> getting in the way.  Old programming about cholesterol, saturated fat, red
> meat, yada yada yada dies hard!

This is true, but you have to make your own judgment about how to
think about cholesterol.  This diet's effect on cholesterol is
unpredictable, and has never been studied.  I have personally
decided to watch only the triglyceride:HDL ratio, which has
improved.  All other ratios have worsened.  The TG:HDL view is
still definitely a minority view, though.

> Keep plenty of fat in the house!  Coconut milk for smoothies, eggs,
> sardines, nuts, nut butters also helps fill in the gap you may feel
> temporarily as your body adjusts to lack of grains. It will help keep you
> from feeling bored as well.

For reasons that are obscure (to me, anyway) some people seem to
gain weight like crazy if they eat nuts or nut butters.  A couple
of years ago I indulged in one of Ray's "paleo snack foods": pork
rinds dipped in almond butter.  Delicious, but they put the
pounds on fast.

> I hope you will report back on your experiences.  Its a great ride.  Keep
> having fun, and don't forget your loincloth!!!

I hope so too.  It's very interesting to see how different people
respond to this way of eating.

Todd Moody
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