Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Stacie Tolen <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 14:41:38 -0500
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
When I was pregnant, I learned the importance of a high-protein breakfast
(this also prevents that telltale first-trimester queasiness). I immediately
noticed the difference, and also found it much easier to stop drinking
coffee since I was no longer needing caffeine for energy.

My kids eat pork, turkey or chicken sausages for breakfast. Nothing else. A
few hours later, they have more meat and some fruit or vegetable. When Zoe
was having Cheerios for breakfast, she was much fussier with her lunch. I
think she needed more carbs to keep her going. She would eat half a loaf of
bread if I let her. Sometimes she would eat only goldfish crackers for
lunch. She was absolutely miserable. Now her blood sugar is pretty stable
most of the day...until her dad decides to feed her two pears as a snack.

Zoe's grandmother says she simply cannot handle meat for breakfast, neither
can my husband. She is a carb addict, he is a caffeine addict. She starts
her day with a bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat, he refuses to eat
breakfast but must have coffee. By evening, she is dragging her weary bones
to bed, he has a "down" time in the evening before insomia kicks in.
hmm...Pattern here?

For me, it was being pregnant and having an overwhelming NEED for protein in
the morning that got me eating breakfast instead of drinking coffee. I
wonder what it will take to get my MIL and DH used to eating protein in the
morning? (They are allergic to eggs BTW.)

who is enjoying her new relationship with protein (and is getting the muscle
tone to prove it!)

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