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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:25:41 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: [P-F] Check out Germans Hold Position As Europe's
Upper Crust

> <A
> here: Germans Hold Position As Europe's Upper Crust

Oddly Enough News - updated 10:41 AM ET Nov 21   Add to My



At first glance One would assume that a discussion of  "The
Society Page" is quite a ways off topic!

Such were my thought as follows::::::

When we were traveling  on US Army business in Europe in
1946 no one would speak  to us in German unless necessary.
(Most business or clerical workers in Europe SPEAK  SEVERAL
LANGUAGES)   Example:   In countries surrounding Germany an
American in a Hotel asking a question in German was answered
in French!  Then if the Clerk could not get us to understand
in his  good or bad French and did not speak English we
were eventually  answered in German.    Only when we went to
the Police Station  were we   immediately  answered in
German!   There we had to speak in the language of our
recent common enemy.  This was the same as after WWII.
Years later when I studied German Literature--It was taught
that French was the "UPPERCRUST"  Language of Europe,   Most
Nobility spoke French; some could not  EVEN  understand the
language of the people they ruled!

 NOW:     BACK TO PALEO      A quote from the page:

Tuesday November 21 10:40 AM ET
Germans Hold Position As Europe's Upper Crust

DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - The average German ate 84.8
kilos of bread last year*********
*********Association figures showed per capita bread
consumption in the EU was 66.85 kilos .**********

`*******`In Russia, for example, , annual consumption is
around 120 kilos,'' he said.**********

*********He said rye bread remained the nation's favorite
with a 36 percent share of the************** <<<<<<<<<<<

***He added, however, that white bread varieties were
gaining popularity among the younger generation,``

******as small bakers were again forced out of the business
on offer.

``*****Every year a few small bakeries give up making their
own bread -- last year it was 700 or 800,'' Martell said.

BEFORE WE CONTINUE;  HEAR THIS--------  Rye Bread is and was
the "Black Bread of Europe!   NOT WHEAT bread.

(Please do not get confused and think you have ever tasted
Rye Bread in the USA)   The Writer tried many ethnic
bakeries and never found one that WAS NOT  LYING about their
Rye Bread,  they all used  lots of white flour in it.  AND
furthermore any SuperMarket  "Rye"  Bread has no more than a
taste  of Rye plus color to make it look dark  like Rye!

If you ever made your own Rye Bread at home --then you must

I  ate Rye Bread in Europe.  I saw farm ladies carry it to
the bakery on their head;   Four EIGHT Pound loaves of Bread
dough on their head on a board.   Taking  them to the local
bakery to get them baked!   Then later they carried them
home.    That is the "Black Bread" of Europe.    It contains
no white processed flour!

If you are still  reading ---------The point of this post is
that:    RYE  is the predominate grain of the European
Neolithic Community  IF  judged by what they were eating in

AND  how can that relate back to the Neolithic Beginning?
Was  Rye the first Grain in Europe?   In Egypt?  Or where?


Does this change in Europe from  raw Rye to Refined wheat
signal the beginning of an epidemic  of diabetes in Europe
as is now developing in the USA?

At least if  some  Whole grains were not partially
Paolithic,  Or late Paolithic  there is little evidence that
the   change  form Hunter Gatherer to Farmer   in the
Neolithic resulted in the type of  horrific epidemic of
diabetes, cancer and heart disease that refined foods of the
20th Century have managed.

Please tell me that I am wrong!

  Regards,   Lorenzo

PS  I once taught an adult educating  class at night school;
three terms the same class in one academic year.   I was
judged the top teacher in that school --because my students
did not quit!

Now I see this as a medium like that one -- tell the teacher
that he is wrong.!  THAT may be why MY STUDENTS STAYED TO

Best Regards,     Lorenzo        [log in to unmask]