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Sat, 16 Sep 2000 19:47:29 +0000
nervegas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
on 16/09/00 22:33, matesz at [log in to unmask] wrote:

> I'm baffled.  My mother did the Scarsdale diet on and off (diet/binge style)
> for years when I was growing up.  That diet allowed steak, burgers, cottage
> cheese, salads, cooked veggies, fruit, etc.  I recall some of the meals
> vividly and recall trying it for a week or so when in high school (before I
> really needed to diet!!).  It was not a non-fat diet.

I may have not expressed this correctly. It was very adamant about not
ADDING any fat whatsoever to food. No salad dressing (just an
vinegar and herb "dressing" list in the book), cottage cheese low-fat
possible, no oil/ butter for cooking (another terrible ratatouille
called for V8 instead!). Also it called for the leanest meats
There was a vegetarian version too, therefore with much less fat
I remember very well because the book recommended a small amount of
PAM or
other semi-fake oil spray instead, and I found it too expensive and
without. I also remember my hair falling out.

> I don't know why you can't follow whatever his principles are with wholesome
> natural foods.  The 1/2 slice of Protein toast at breakfast with the 1/2
> grapefruit (on the Scarsdale diet) is not the key to the diet's success.  As
> I recall, it's a low calorie diet with 3 meals a day, controlled carb intake
> (no high glycemic carbs).  I ate the burgers minus the bun at a restaurant
> back then, with salad....

I know, that's why I'm trying out a Paleo version of it right now.
It's not
too different of my regular eating style, minus the fat, so we'll see
if it
does anything.

> There are many ways to "do" a paleo diet...  Your list of things you tried
> is willy-nilly.  Readers won't know what you did when, what all the
> variables were, etc.... If you want to do low fat, high protein, low or
> moderate carb, there's no one stopping you.... many people on this list do
> that.  We don't all eat bacon every day; some of us don't eat much bacon
> when we do it; some go light on the oil; some eat light meat, some eat dark
> meat, some eat both....  There are many ways to "skin a cat" as they
> say.....!!!

True. And I tried many variants of it. It may be heretic, but maybe
I'm not
meant for too much meat. It is the only thing that is constant in my

Thank you for the good suggestions you sent me privately, BTW.

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