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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 09:51:18 -0500
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
The University of Memphis
"greer.bobby" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)

        Nice hearing from you and that was funny. Picked up the latest issues of
the "Ragged Edge" this morning and it has two interesting articles, one on
Christianity and disability" and another on the current term, "caregiver". The
latter article will not be on any solace to parents or other caregivers on the
list, because it is quite skewed, IMHO.

    And yes, I do understand "Texas CP humor". When I was inducted in the Psi Chi
(honors psych. club) at the now University of North Texas. You have to give a
I opened mine with, "Excuse me, I am a CP. A "Confused Psychologist"! Ironically,
a fellow giving a ride home from that meeting gave me some idea about going into
rehabilitation work, and guess what folks. That piece of humor changed my life in
a way.



Bob Hester wrote:

> }Sara:
> I know.   I have been active in disability work for many years and as I
> used to say in talks "I've had a life-long interest in cerebral palsy".
> My apologies to you & to the list:  that message was intended to be a
> direct/private one to Prof. Greer (who understands Texas CP humor), & I
> inadvertently sent it to the list.   I hope it did not cause anybody any alarm.
> I agree with you that old will kill you before CP does (unless you lose
> your balance in front of a car).
> Thanks for your thoughtfulness in trying to allay what you thought were my
> fears.
> }BOB
> At 11:51 PM 10/30/2000 -0500, you sara lynn weaver wrote:
> >Dear Bob, That persone is wrong. CP does not kill you. it is MD that will
> >kill you. Not CP, it is a mobility disorder from birth. that is caused by
> >brain damage for one reason or another. and it will not kill you.  I do not
> >know where that PT therapist got his/her information. but I know a lady in
> >sout carolina that was in her 80s with CP. so do not worry about dieing from
> >CP. you have just as much of a life spand as if you never Had CP. I am 46.
> >but I know CP is not going to kill me when I am in my 60s or 70s or 80s. Old
> >might kill me. but not CP. I have done a lot of research on CP. and it is
> >just a mobility disorder cause mainley from birth. and it can be very very
> >mild to very very servier. depending on the damage of the in the brain.
> >which controles moter funcations. and even talking is a form of moter
> >funcation. because of the musles around the mouth. that is why some people
> >can not talk that have CP. so please get the idea out of your head. that you
> >are going to die at or sortley past 65.   I am sorry this person told you
> >this. that was so wrong of them to say anything like that to you.   Lynn
> >
> >Bob Hester wrote:
> >
> > > At 07:27 PM 10/29/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> > > >  am 62 years old and
> > >
> > > Since you're 3 years older than I am, take good care of yourself.     (I
> > > think I told you before that when I was a teenager a PT told me that CPs
> > > seldom lived past 65!)
> > >
> > > BOB