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Sun, 4 Mar 2001 09:48:58 EST
Holly Gallahue <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, I have posted before regarding my 4 year old daughter Taylor. I am
having some doubts about her and wanted to voice them. she has been gf
since October and is doing good, occasional leg pain when we forget her
calcium and niacin.  All her blood work was negative except igg was 90.
her biopsy was also negative. Dr. Fines tests showed mild malabsorption
and gluten sensitivity.  He told me she has "immunological gluten
sensitivity the thing that causes celiac" my concerns are if she is just
sensitive to gluten then she could occasionally have pizza or cake or
whatever and not cause intestinal damage. she has started pre-k and they
had a pizza party and she felt very upset. i do my best to make her
special things and treats but she still has her moments of sadness and
it kills me. i baked her bday cake and she loved it but now her brothers
bday is on Wednesday and he wants a store bought cake and she is already
getting upset asking why did i have to make hers and not Ryan's.

I know a lot of you don't have an official diagnosis and are fine with this
and i thought we were too but its getting harder everyday. the GI's
guaranteed me she does NOT have celiac and it says so in her chart at the

Is there a blood test we could do that would show if the igg was normal now,
and if so does that mean the diet is doing what it is supposed to?

Thank you to all who are reading this and any info and encouragement would be
greatly appreciated.
