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Print Reply
Fri, 11 May 2001 16:15:03 +0100
Anand Singh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (205 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 Hi  Everyone,

I have been recently been doing some research on the Human Endocrine
system via the WEB.

 I have come to some conclusions which may be of use.

I have considered three types of scenarios.

First type relates to the Celiac who has an intolerance to Gluten.
Second type relates to a person who is suffering from poisoning eg from
an mercury amalgam filling.(I fall into this category) Third type is the
person who has sustained some form of brain damage/interference in some
way e.g.   sufferers of Gulf War Syndrome.

 In the case of the Celiac frequent immune responses occur when gluten
is consumed This is a food intolerance or allergy. The response leads to
damage of the stomach lining or mucosa such that it results in other
intolerance such as lactose intolerance and subsequently malabsorption.
It may also  lead to yeast overgrowth which causes more problems by
producing toxins which then overwhelm the immune system and lead to
stress.This leads to undigested food matter which then creates havens
for harmful bacteria leading to IBS, Colitis, Crohns, etc.  There is
fatigue and weakness. There is also I think mental fog and sleepiness.

 In the case of the person who has a defective mercury amalgam filling
mercury poison seeps into the stomach via saliva and into the lungs and
then also into the brain via the bloodstream.

Yeast converts the elemental mercury into toxin which is 100 times more

Overtime this poison builds up and the immune response is also
frequently triggered. This leads to more and more food intolerance.
Mercury resistant bacteria take over thus depleting the digestion system
of other useful bugs. Bugs needed to digest and absorb certain food
items such as dairy products, etc Defective fillings also provide
another problem. They generate an electrical charge which is above the
normal charge.

The mercury poisoning affects the brain, digestion system, lungs and

The kidneys start to accumulate the mercury. Since it is so toxic it
will destroy kidney cells.

It also leads to mental fog and Alzheimer's. There is also chronic
fatigue and tiredness, etc.

In the case of CFS/CFIDS or sufferers of Gulf War Syndrome(PWCs)
Something such as a virus or a physical knock has affected the brain.
This has resulted in chronic fatigue and immune system problems.
It can only be diagnosed, because of the cerebral factor, by eliminating
all other causes of fatigue such as Lymes, iron deficiency,  Thyroid
problems, MS, etc.

There is also mental fog and depression.

 In the case of the Celiac blood/stool tests, biopsy as well as gene
test can help provide a firm diagnosis of a problem with gluten.

In the case of the person being poisoned a skin test can detect
mercury poisoning levels. Also skin test can detect yeast overgrowth.
In the case of PWCs there is as yet no such test. In this case
one must INFER CFS by eliminating all other possibilities.

The main reason being that we know so little about the brain.
All these conditions despite their differences also have their

They have some immune system dysfunction,. They have fatigue, tiredness,
weakness symptoms. i.e.METABOLIC problems.  They have food intolerance
problems. They have sleep disorders.  Waking up problems i.e. body
rhythms and internal clock problems.  They have mood swing type
problems. i.e. HORMONAL problems They are debilitated. They have a
developmental effect on children.  They have peculiar symptoms which
seem to have no apparent cause.  They often result in people suffering
for many years without doctors really grasping the nature of the illness.

They can lead to secondary problems such as diabetes, kidney failure,
suicidal depression, etc.

The illness  can also be acquired later on in life with no set age.
For the celiac staying away from gluten can make life a lot better.
For the person with a filling problem replacing it with  plastic or
composite  maybe the answer.

However for the PWCs there is no obvious solution. Each person's
predicament being  their own ordeal.

They have to keep trying out different things to get some partial and
temporary relief.

I think that the tiredness or metabolic problems stem from faults in the
brains metabolic hormonal and electrical signalling ability. A
disruption in this causes an imbalance resulting in fatigue, tiredness,
weakness, etc.

It also means that current tests will have a very tough time
establishing a firm diagnosis

There is a reciprocal relationship between each organ and the brain. The
relationship has a protocol whereby one signal from the organ will tell
the brain to generate another signal to counterbalance an imbalance.
Thus for the metabolism to be in near perfect equilibrium this system of
metabolic control communications is essential.

Any one factor which is slightly out will result in an imbalance
instantly and lead to loss of energy and power.

These communications depend upon the body and brain's production of
hormones and transmission of electrical signals.

So  what disrupts these signals?

Firstly if the brain fails to produce the signals
due to some damage either to the glands which
release the signals or if the communication to those
glands is somehow impaired.

Alternatively the organ which is needs to signal
the brain is itself failing to release the signal.

It may be failing to receive the signal from the brain also which would
tell it to produce hormone. This hormone would then travel  to some
other organ where it becomes a signal to tell that organ to produce
hormone. This is the hormonal cascade effect.

Kidneys being damaged by mercury poison may not stop the kidney from
doing its major work of filtering, but it may stop it from sending out
or receiving signals properly.  This would explain why simple tests do
not show up anything wrong with the kidneys.

It also explains why there is no serious short-term permanent damage.

What if there was another source of hormone which acts out of sync
upsetting the balance also?

These signals do not just rely on hormones but also on proteins such as
peptides.  Gluten e.g.  is a peptide as is Casein.

They also rely on electrical signalling via neurotransmitters.

Hormonal imbalance may come from food intolerance.

The immune response not only damages the mucosa but it also leads to
leaky gut syndrome.

There is the possibility of substances not fully digested leaking
into the bloodstream. This could provide a source of unwanted
signals which in turn upset the smooth running of the metabolism.
Also sometimes substances may be released which are beneficial.
They may cause imbalances to reverse.  The hormonal function is one of
constant rebalancing.

Diet therefore could play an important role in this balancing act.
Perhaps when considering one's diet one should consider
what hormonal properties may exist in certain food items
and drinks?  Some research needs to be done on this!!!

Personally I have found that many processed/complex food
items contribute to adverse signalling. e.g. most alcohol,
cream, salt, beans,  seasoning, chocolate/sweets, etc.

I have also found some items which reverse their effect.
e.g. pure filtered coffee,  pineapple juice,  carbonated water,
slices of lemon,  garlic,  spicy Indian curries, strong mints,
Bacardi white rum, Red Square's  Reloaded Gold drink,  etc.

Pure coffee seems to have several beneficial properties:-
1)It inhibits bad stuff from leaking into the blood stream.
2)It cancels out bad stuff already in the bloodstream.
3)It leaks into the bloodstream providing the brain with
   a clear and smooth buzz which is not followed by  withdrawal/crashing
4)It aids digestion process  during periods of food intolerance
5)It clears the head, drowsiness and tiredness.
6)It realigns signalling until the next release of bad stuff.  These
benefits only occur if there is some food intolerance  taking place.
(Please Note do NOT use instant coffee or coated coffee beans!)

It is therefore very important to keep a food diary and establish which
items have which properties to combat metabolic imbalance leading to
fatigue, etc. Some of us are more sensitive than others.

In the case of PWCs a different approach is needed.

If there is physical brain damage then perhaps OP-1,
which is a growth factor, maybe the answer.

This encourages the growth of dendrites
which will rewire the COMMS network in the brain
leading to better signalling and rerouting of brain function
Cheers,  Anand.

PS There are other sources of these signals such as paint, molds, fungi,
waste areas, plastics/synthetics, insecticides/pesticides, harbours,
fuel, industrial/municipal waste, agricultural waste, plants and
animals, paint and household chemicals, air pollution,  prosthetics,
perfume, etc, etc.