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Mon, 22 Jan 2001 21:45:21 +1100
Sylvia Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List Members,

As a refresher, I am the mother of Alana, the 15 yr old who has had two
brain seizures and who has been diagnosed with gluten intolerance and
multiple food and environmental allergies.

She has been totally GF since the diagnosis - mid November, and, as I am
the chief cook and bottle washer, the meals prepared in this home have
all been gluten and her allergies free.  I cannot vouch for her Dad as
he gets to eat out, but the only gluten I have been partaking in is an
occasional biscuit and about three slices of bread per day and my
communion host.

Anyway, about a week ago I started to get palpitations around the
eyelids, I wouldn't call them tics, they only last for about 30 seconds,
but did occur several times a day and were quite discomforting. My
husband was home yesterday when it occurred and he said he could
actually see it, also when I was gesticulating with my hand, it shook.

I made a decision to go totally GF myself, and also decided that I would
put myself on a combination of the Hallelujah diet and the Eat Right for
your Blood type one.

Was out with Alana today and was making enquiries into where I could
purchase Barley Green, if at all in Gladstone.  After I left an
acupuncturist who stocked it, Alana said if I went on these diets she
would be looking after me when she turned 80 and wanted to know why.
When I mentioned the eyelid palpitations, she said that she has always
had them and thought they were normal.

This will be more information for us to give to the neurologist when she
sees him in mid-February, my question now is - has anyone else
experienced this symptom?  Is it related to gluten intolerance, or is it
because of her other food allergies?  And, why the hell have I now got
this symptom?

Awaiting your informed responses, which, naturally, I will summarise.
