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Sun, 10 Dec 2000 19:22:19 -0500
Diana Sherman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have a 2 year old daughter that we noticed had a rash on her stomach
about the size of a penny. It was symettrical in shape a red with a red,
raised blistery look to it. The doctor said he thought it was eczema. I
have celiac and have also had blisters on the scalp and hands but different
in appearance I think possibly from the wheat in my shampoo although I
still have them. The doctor said since she is not showing any of the
classic signs of celiac not to have her tested. She has developemental
delays, hypotonia, suspected seizures(staring spells), constipation but not
diarrea or weight lose. We have two other boys 6 and 9. Our six year old
has recently had some bouts of diarrea in his pants and has complex partial
seizures, tourette syndrome, behavior problems, possible high functioning
autism, and developemental delays. All three are double jointed and have
hypotonia. My oldest is in the 3 % for weight and 10% for height. He also
has delays in reading, math, and spelling. Along with dyslexia and short
term auditory processing disorder.

Unfortunately, we are waiting for the medicaid to come through and the case
worker is dragging her feet and the doctors don't want to do testing unless
you have insurance. What is the difference between eczema and DH and can
you have it on your stomach. Also what is the liklihood a child could have
celiac without having diarrea and weight lose?

Diana at [log in to unmask]