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Mon, 23 Oct 2000 16:25:27 -0500
Tim Meadows <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Has anyone ever done  gluten challenge with a child where the child had
no idea he was eating gluten?  After over five years on the gf diet, my
seven year old son had bowel surgery for a retention problem and is now
able to eat acidic foods without problems.  We asked the doctor if this
was a good time to do a gluten challenge and a biopsy.  The doctor said
it was best not to let Alex know that he was having gluten because if he
tested positive for celiac,  he would be better off not knowing how all
those gluten foods taste.  We agreed, and I baked his usual breads with
some gluten four.  He did not have any obvious reactions;  just a lot of
gas and burping.  When we got the biopsy report, we were told, "It looks
negative, but keep doing the challenge for another month."  They also
found gastritis and he is currently being  treated for H. pylori.  Here
is my question:  Am I a whiner or would doing a blind gluten challenge
for 8 weeks drive anyone crazy?  I have to hide in the kitchen and sneak
gluten flour into my baking, while still trying to act like we are
maintaining a strict gf diet.  Maybe I am making too much of this, but
the stress of deception is getting to me.

Warsaw, IN