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Tue, 4 Apr 2000 12:33:51 +1000
Niko Antalffy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone,

I'd like to follow up a bit on Michael's linking of celiac with
depression and schizophrenia.

Although I had all the tests my condition has not been diagnosed as
celiac. I do have autoimmune thyroid disease and ulcerative colitis (and
autoimmunity on both sides of family) and I strongly react to even small
amounts of gluten. One of my major symptoms is schizopohrenia-like
hallucinations and behaviour often combined with depression and severe
mood and energy swings that entirely stays away when gf (which I am
trying to be all the time).

Although it's almost impossible to convinve my doctors, I'd still like
to know how many of you experience hallucinations, mood swings and the
like when ingesting gluten. I'd especially like to hear from people who
have been 'officially diagnosed'. I have seen the few available articles
that point to a link, but almost nothing to the actual number of celiacs
with these symptoms or the the significance of such symptoms in
diagnosing celiac.
