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Wed, 9 May 2001 20:56:46 -0400
April Hutchinson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (195 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello again,

I was touched and overwhelmed by the tremendous response to my plea for
help.  I am so grateful to all of you.  I received 54 e-mails with many
different suggestions.  That is what I needed, I felt like I had nowhere
to turn, and now I have many avenues to  help myself with.  The day after
I sent my note out, my husband won a gift certificate for a place called
the Wellness Oasis.  He gave it to me since it was a nutritional type of
place.  On Monday I went there and had a Bioenergetic Stress Test.  WOW!
What a test.  I was diagnosed with Candida and they verified allergies to
Corn, Rice, Potato, & Beef.  I did not have the full allergy test though
because she thought the Candida needed to be dealt with first.  This test
also verified Gluten Intolerance.  It can't diagnose diseases, so she
could not tell me if I had celiac, but she thought I did.  I am in Fort
Wayne, IN, if anyone near here would like to know more, let me know.
Even though I now have even less foods that I can eat, I feel like I have
hope.  I really believe that this is a big step in the right direction.
Thank you all again so much for the wonderful wealth of info, and for the
encouragement.  I have not cried since Friday!


1. A 4 day Rotation Diet could help prevent further allergies

2. Build up gut with L-glutamine and Probiotics

3. VETRATRUM ALB 30C, 2 pills under tongue for gluten accidents

4. Many people stated that initial intolerances would possibly go away
with time and healing.

5. Celexa  or  Zoloft(drug for depression)

6. Many people stated that stress (mental, physical, or hormonal)  can
cause Celiac like symptoms

7. Mesa Sunrise Cereal with Raisins as somthing to try

8. I am not alone, MANY others suffer the same limitations with food

9. http://forums.delphi.com/n/main.asp?webtagiliac&nav=messages
With thousands of GF recipes and very caring and knowledgeable people to
answer your questions.

10. Eat Red Potatoes or Yukon Gold, no Idahoes or White

11. Eat mild non-starchy soft foods while gut rests

12. Eat small meals often

13. Cut our all dairy

14. Possible "leaky gut" syndrome

15. Call Dr. Cynthia Rudert <M.F.A.C.P.>, Founder of Atlanta Women's

16. Pregnancy alone can cause your system to go crazy

17. Hormone Fluxuations/Imbalances

18. Elimination Diet - eat only rice and water, use no skin care products
or pills, then add them one by one to see reactions

19. Don't worry about a diagnosis yet

20. Prayer

21. It could be true allergies that won't go away

22. Don't eat prepared items, make everything yourself

23. Focus on meats and veggies

24. Drink Lifeway brand Kefir (a fermented yogurt type drink)

25. Research at the Library and Internet

26.  Click here: irritable bowel syndrome from On-line Medical Dictionary


26. Modified food crops could be the cause

27. Celiacs have more miscarriages/stillborn, but once on a GF diet for
at least one year, the risk is no worse than for a non-Celiac, take extra
folic acid during pregnancy since we don't absorb it well

28.   Shampoo containing Wheat Germ Oil can cause problems since our skin
is the largest organ on our bodies

29. Get a small bowel biopsy to verify/rule out Celiac, it could be a
different disorder

30. Join a support Group

31. Contact Chem Balances.  They work with balancing your system so that
food intolerances go away.  They build you up nutritionally.
www.chembalance.com  or contact the office mgr. Karen Nielsen

32. Better Health USA - blood test that identifies allergies, then a
dietician works with you via phone for the next year.  They offer a money
back guarantee, been in business 20 years, are Medicare certifies.  Call
Lisa Durow at 1-800-943-6313 to get info.  If you don't get Lisa, call
1-800-684-2231 ext. 6251

33. Read "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type"

34. www.neanderthin.com - this is a book about nutrition,
www.paleodiet.com for info, and www.paleofood.com for recipies

35. www.delphi.com, go to the celiac disease forum or type celiac disease
in the search box.  This is a celiac site run by Abigail who is a super
sensitive celiac with lots of experience.  This is a "warm & fuzzy" site
with lots of very informed people

36. Rembember to laugh and indulge yourself once a day

37. Try Tapioca starch/flour and arrowroot

38. Saliclyates and amines can cause troubles -   to find out about these
- http://members.ozemail.com.au/~sdengate/

39. Drink Boost, it is GF and fill of vitamins

40. Get FG flours from Authentic Foods - for no crosscontamination

41. Under a doctor's (a holistic gastroenterologist) care, go on a very
restrictive cleansing diet with probiotic supplements and Ultra Clear
Sustain for 6 weeks.  Then slowly re-introduce foods one at a time.  This
cleaned and rebuilt the intestine.  This works for yeast troubles as well

42. Get treatment from a doctor and ask about a payment plan

43. Barry Sear's books on Zone Dieting

44. Lectins could be the problem

45. The Atkins Diet - A super-low Carb diet

46. Encouragement - if eating foods we were allergic to caused
miscarriages, many more babies would be lost

47. Have your husband/friend help with the diet working towards gradual

48. Corn Meal, corn flour and grits can often be contaminated.  Check
with the manufacuter.  As for rice, Uncle Ben's is GF

49. Be careful of condiments and cooking oils

50. Try a pancreatic enzyme to help in digestion

51.  Mercury amalgam fillings poisoning the body.  The following is a
quote:  "Yeast also produces larges amounts of tartaric acid. This
damages the kidneys also. Kidneys therefore have a problem processing

    Food intolerance reduces the amount of Taurine(a vital amino acid),
which is also needed to process protein.

    (Food Poisioning, Mercury poisioning, Antibiotics, Emotional stress)
    (Digestion System Imbalance, Exhausted Liver and Kidneys, Brain
Function Impairment, Hormone dysfunction,
     Immune System Dysfunction, Bacterial/Organism Imbalance, Metabolic
Imbalance, etc) ---------->
    (Stress, Fatigue, Emotional problems,  CFIDS/ME, etc, Kidney
failure, Alzheimers, etc, etc)

      1) Remove source of toxin e.g. carefully replace mercury amalgam
      2) Cut down yeast with garlic. It also aids the Kidneys and Detox.
      3) Take Natracalm for stress and emotional problems
      4) Eat food which aids the kidneys. Avoid salt and potassium
            and vitamins
      5) Stay away from alcohol. Drink instead fizzy water with slices
            of lemon.
      6) Get deep sleep with Natrasleep.
      7) Hot Indian curries are also very helpful in controlling harmful
      8) Avoid processed/complex foods which boosts yeast and make life
            harder for the kidneys."

51. Give myself time to heal before becoming pregnant again