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Thu, 9 Mar 2000 13:24:54 -0500
Susanne Romey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I only received a few responses about my comment that I was going to start
eating fish because I'm lactose intolerant now too.  I received a lot of
responses about candidiasis.  This seems to be a pretty common problem, but the
information is very contradictory!  Most people said that it would take more
than one dose of diflucan to eliminate it.  A couple of people said that
diflucan will not do it without something else. A couple of people also pointed
out that candidiasis is not usually the cause of my symptoms.  One person deals
with it the same way that I'm doing - diet, pau d'arco, probiotics, and caprylic
acid.  Everyone said that it is not necessary to be completely strict with the
diet - no fruit, sugar or dairy, cafffeine, etc.  I'm eating a little dairy plus
oranges and a couple of bananas every week.  Some people pointed out that
oranged have a lot of sugar.  I decided not to give them up anyway.  I am still
having trouble, but it is slowly going away.  There is no way for me to tell if
it is candidiasis, but at least I'm getting better with what I'm doing.

As for the vegetarian diet and celiac disease.  One person said that she was a
vegetarian for 15 years, but that she cannot eat dairy, eggs or corn in addition
to gluten.  She doesn't think a vegetarian diet would be good for people with
CD.  A couple of people suggested soy milk, rice milk or almond milk.  One
person wrote and said their family is gluten free, diary free, egg free, soy
free, banana free, etc.  She offered to give me suggestions.  I think they are
vegan, but if I decide to be a dairy free vegetarian, I still won't really be a
vegan (no animal products) because I would still eat honey and butter.

I'll quote part of the most interesting response.  There is evidence that a
vegetarian diet is actually a good choice for people with CD and other digestive
ailments.  So without trying to cause an argument, maybe this will interest some

I should add that I used to belong to a meditation group that base their diet on
the vedas.  They believe that some dairy is really necessary if you are a
vegetarian.  They told me that even people who are lactose intolerant should try
to find out how much they can tolerate.  This worked for me until I started
eating yogurt every day.  Now I don't know when I'll be able to tolerate dairy
again, if ever.


I was just reading about bowel cancer in Time
magazine - meat and lack of fibre and antioxidants constitute the single
biggest contributing cause to bowel cancer apart from smoking perhaps (lack
of physical activity is also a problems but not as big). People with IBD
(colitis and crohn's) as well as celiac and maybe some other digestive
problems often have a higher incidence of bowel cancer because of extra
intestinal irritation and inflammation. It's been shown that a vegetarian
diet (or diets towards that direction) greatly reduces the risk of bowel
(and lots of other) cancer. Therefore having a digestive disorder and eating
a meat-based diet places a double burden on our systems, surely it makes
sense to help it wherever it's possible. We can't really undo the disorder
but we can decrease all other risks.