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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Ebrima Ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 15:07:37 GMT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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The e-mail below came from a source. It is the full text of Jammeh's speech
to the UN Summit. I'll give my reaction to it later.


>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Millenuim Summit Speech of Retired Colonel Yahya Jamus Jammeh
>Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000 14:50:16 GMT
>Please find below the text of Jammeh's speech this morning.
>Mr. President and Co-Chair
>We have gathered here once more to not only take stock of the achievements
>and shortcomings of the United Nations at this end of an era but also to
>chart a new agenda of participation and collective commitment by evolving a
>better and more responsive role for our organisation in the new millennium.
>As we speak, despite the fifty years of existence of the United Nations,
>the international community still remains preoccupied with the same chronic
>concerns of survival and advancement  objectives that have always been the
>subjects of recommendations, resolutions and decisions of virtually all
>international meetings. Time and time again, the adoption of resolutions
>and the successful attainment of the objectives set continue to either
>elude us or yield only meagre reward for our efforts. Why is this so? Why
>have we been missing golden opportunities in the past to deal decisively
>with major problems of common concern? Is it due to lack of appropriate
>political will, follow up mechanisms or mere indifference?
>Mr. President
>The convening of this Summit challenges us to take far-reaching decisions
>relating specifically to the right to development, the fair and equitable
>participation of developing countries in globalisation and liberalisation,
>practical commitment to poverty eradication, north-south technical and
>economic cooperation, and last but not the least, the promotion and
>preservation of international peace and security. All these are desirable
>and achievable objectives, provided we are prepared to agree unreservedly
>to commit ourselves, our Governments and the required resources to their
>Our organisation, Mr. President, enjoins us world leaders and citizens to
>combine forces to bring about a brighter future for humankind by ushering
>in a more balanced and equitable world devoid of social injustice, economic
>deprivation, hunger and diseases as well as senseless wars.
>This dream can only be realised through the establishment of permanent
>peace and security across the globe. It is a fact that no democracy, social
>development and justice can take place in the absence of peace.
>International peace and security can bring about economic wonders around
>the world especially in Africa. But how do we bring about permanent global
>peace and security? This can be achieved only through tolerance, love and
>caring for each other. We must ensure an equitable and a just distribution
>of the world's resources and wealth and inculcate the spirit of caring and
>sharing to replace the present world economic order. We must replace the
>rationale of "super profit making" with the rationale of super welfare or
>super humanity to bring about the narrowing of the gap between the rich and
>poor nations of our Global Village.
>Mr. President
>Compounded by the scourges of social and political upheavals, epidemics,
>under development, the excruciating debt burden, Africa's economic recovery
>and social development continue to be seriously compromised, My delegation
>therefore fully endorses the proposal for the Millennium Summit to adopt
>the target of halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty by
>It is disheartening to observe the proliferation of conflict situations in
>different regions of the world. To make Africa's determined effort at
>conflict prevention, resolution, management and peacekeeping successful and
>sustainable, I call on the international community to provide greater moral
>and institutional support for the attainment of these noble objectives
>The present imbalances and lack of fair adjustments in our participation in
>the process of globalisation should also be addressed so as to enable
>developing countries take advantage of world economic growth by mobilising
>both domestic and external resources for sustained economic growth and
>The environmental threats faced by the international community as clearly
>indicated in the Global Environment Outlook 2000 of UNEP concludes that
>special attention should be paid to the unsustainable patterns of
>production and consumption within the richer segments of all countries. I
>would like to reiterate my Government's commitment to the Malmo Declaration
>and emphasise the need for development assistance far beyond current levels
>if we are to register any success in meeting the goals and targets we have
>set ourselves
>Mr. President
>The promotion of peace and democratic values and principles is linked to
>the development of good relations between Governments, It is for these
>reasons that my Government considers the failure of the United Nations to
>respect the dignity and rights of twenty three million Taiwanese to
>membership of our esteemed organisation as a serious setback to the
>professed universality of the United Nations and a gross contradiction to
>the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
>In like manner, the economic embargo on Cuba has proven to be very
>counterproductive and it is my Government's hope that the international
>community's recent change of attitude would usher in renewed cooperation
>and reconciliation with that great Country.
>Mr. President
>The United Nations has immense potential in serving humanity well within
>the framework of multilateralism. Its effectiveness or otherwise depends
>entirely on the Member States and what we make of it. Indeed, against the
>backdrop of fundamental changes at the international scene, the reforms of
>the United Nations system, especially reform of the Security Council,
>require urgent attention to ensure transparency and fairness, based on
>proportionate representation and sharing of responsibilities.
>The United Nations should be the moral standard bearer of humankind
>ensuring justice, equality, peace and stability around the world and among
>nations irrespective of size, geographical location or economic status in
>the 21" Century and beyond. It should be a source of hope for the
>desperate, solace and succour for the afflicted and inspire confidence in
>the down trodden and destitute the world over. In this way the notion of
>"We the Peoples" will have relevance to our profession of faith in our
>common humanity. Then, and only then, can we claim the 21 st century,
>strengthened in our resolve to make this planet a better and more
>productive one where humankind can live in dignity and peace!
>I thank you for your attention

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