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"Library Access --" <[log in to unmask]>
Lori Bell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 23:14:16 GMT
"Library Access --" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Bill Erbes of the Bensenville Library is
spearheading an exciting and worthwhile project to
have libraries stay open 24 hours on September 11 in
commemoration of
September 11, 2001. See letter below (he says it
much better than I can). The website for the project
is;  If you have
any questions, please email Bill at [log in to unmask]

September 11, 2001
Libraries Remember
Libraries represent the sum of all human knowledge,
and they represent equal access to that knowledge.
Libraries represent freedom of _expression, celebration
of diversity, a playing field that is level,
preservation of heritage, and commitment to the
future.  The Bensenville Community Public Library
believes, therefore, that there could be no more
fitting tribute, no more appropriate commemoration of
September 11, than for libraries all across the United
States to simply be there.

On September 10 this year, the Bensenville Community
Public Library District will close at 9:00 p.m. as
usual.  But then, at midnight, we will re-open, and we
will remain open for the 24 hours of September 11.

We invite the libraries of the United States to join
us.  We propose that libraries of every type, every
size, and in every state, for those 24 hours, do
business as usual:  facilitate communication, foster
citizenship, promote understanding, guarantee freedom
of access to information, and above all on that
particular day, stand with doors open wide as a
remarkable symbol of our freedom.

Your first thought may be, that's impossible.  May
your second thought be, let's do it anyway.

To join the Bensenville Library in remembering
September 11, fill out the form on this website.  We
will add your name to the list of libraries from
across the country that are participating in this

Have a question? E-mail Bill Erbes at:
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