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Wed, 11 Oct 2000 22:44:11 -0000
attanash <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (252 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.  I received LOTS of great
information that will help me track down my problem.  There seem to be
three questions here:  Is it a problem with 1) ONLY sugars, or 2) ALL
carbs (including sugars), or 3) other food allergies (dairy, soy,
yeast)?  The only way to tell at this point is to do an elimination
diet.  I am going to first try an anti-candida diet using William
Crook's guidelines in 'The Yeast Connection'.  He recommends eating only
meats and veggies at first then adding back yeast, fruit and dairy one
at a time.  This gives me a chance to look for hidden glutens also.  You
really have to play detective!  Hope this summary helps others too.

....summary part 1.....

I have no idea why this happens, but I have not been able to eat any of
the gf breads, cakes, cookies, etc.  I have been gf for 31/2 years, and
still have this problem, much like what you described happening to you
when you eat these foods. So, I gave them up and eat a very healthy diet
of fresh fruit (mostly apples for the pectin), vegetables (lots of
salads), meat, chicken and fish, and small amounts of brown rice and new
potatoes. The other thing that has helped me tremendously is kefir. I am
lactose intolerant, but discovered Lifeway brand kefir, which is a
drinkable type of yogurt with tons of acidolphilis and other healthy
microbes for the GI tract, and found it contained no lactose. I drink it
prior to a meal, as it works much better on an empty stomach.


I eat relatively little carbs. I have meals consisting of little protein
and a great number of vegetables. If I add some rice or rice pasta, it
is a small amount.  I will also occasionally have gf bread, but I find
that I don't crave it much at all.  A life of protein, vegetables and
fruit (I am not lactose intolerant, so I do have dairy) has been very


I am the same way... I think the only thing that helps me is to just
stay away from them!  You can get the carbos you need from veggies and
fruits, and I would just stick with those as well as beans. I am
miserable without snacks, so I only eat 2 cookies a day, only after big
protein meals.  That is how I feel best.


I am sick as soon as I eat any flour of any kind. The only complex carbo
I eat with uccess is rice. I also go for potatoes, from time to time, as
long as they are cut into pieces and cooked in water (not oven) so they
loose some of the starch. I do not know why that is, but I consider
myself intolerant to long chain starch and avoid them. I was also helped
by the book you mentioned in finding out more about my problem. I also
have peripheral polyneuropathy, which was much worse before the diet.
The neuropathy was helped by cutting on ALL complex carbo.


My brother, who is also Celiac, has had a similar experience. He eats no
carbohydrates. He makes muffins from almond flour.


I am beginning to believe that carbs and sugary foods -- even though I
don't eat lots of them are making me exhausted and sleepy all the time.
My symptoms sound lots like yours.


Almost sound like you are getting trace amount of gluten in something.
You said you were making g.f. recipes. Which flours where you using?
Ones that you ordered or Bob's Red Mill--available in local groceries.
Bob's flour are currently all made in the same facilities (& equipment),
and our group does not consider them g.f.  A representative (Bob?) was
at the CSA conference promoting the fact that they were adding a new a
g.f. manufacturing area that should be in production by Jan1, 2001.
(Obvious they don't consider their current products g.f. either.)


I eat limited amounts of carbs, tho haven't cut them out completely as
that's very restrictive and hard...but I avoid yeast for sure, even
gluten free yeast breads.  I've been battling systemic yeast which has
caused many pains all over my body (chest area and arthritic pains) as
well as very foul gas, and chronic fatigue. Wanted to turn you on to
some very powerful yet natural herbs and supplements which kill, yes
kill fungal and viral and yeast infections...olive leaf extract, beta
glucans (made from the yeast cell wall, NOT from oat bran - see web site
http://www.nsc24.com  (I have no financial connection with nsc24),
caprylic acid (also kills yeast and fungus), and take a probiotics (live
acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria - get the refrigerated LIVE
ones - Jarrow is a good brand, again no financial interest in that
company) - try your health food store for these items.


Your symptoms REALLY sound similar to mine.  I was feeling better at
first on the diet, but then the longer I ran with GF BREADS (yeast
based), regardless of source (home-baked or store bought) I started
doing the same thing. The gut started to swell again, gassy most of the
time, and the energy levels start dropping off rapidly. I think the
depression just follows all the above!  I don't think that ALL carbo's
are to blame though. If I eliminate JUST the yeast based bread formulas
and, say, continue with GF Pastas, for example (Biaglut is the BEST!) I
notice a rise in energy levels and most if not all the abdominal
discomfort leaves.  Past that though, I haven't had the time or patience
to persue the situation further, just to eliminate ALL breads (yeast)
and continue to live with this Atkins diet!  I have tried (almost a
month now) the addition of Lactobacillus for the intestines.  Nestle
makes a product newly released in this country called LC1, a daily dose
powder, but I think it's too soon to tell on the results. It is sold
only at those GNC health food stores.  My Gastro recommended using it
daily for a month, waiting approx  month to see the results, then
deciding from there whether it is worth the trouble.  Frustrating, ain't


My doctor ordered the IP test to determine whether I had Leaky Gut
Syndrome.  It is a urine test, in fact, a 24 hr. collection, if I
remember correctly  (this was 5 months ago).  In LGS, the wall of the
intestine allows the abnormal passage of molecules of food particles
outside the intestine, where they stimulate the immune system and cause
inflammation.  The food sensitivities thus produced may disappear if the
intestines can rest and heal.  So I have been on an allergen free diet
for 4 months, and eventually I hope to add foods one at a time to test
for sensitivity to them.  My symptoms have improved on this, so it's
worth it to me.  It sounds like in your case, it's possible the initial
inflammation of the intestines may have been caused by excess Candida
albacans.  My doctor has also put me on a powder that restores the
beneficial flora, and I have heard that overgrowth of candida is common
in people with cd.  I don't know anything about the serology, but the
intestinal permeability test was a little more complicated than a simple
collection:  you put some of  the first and last urine collected into
vials that are provided by the lab, and package them according to
instructions (packaging also provided) and Fed Ex them to the
Great Smokies Laboratory in No. Carolina, so they arrive in 24 hrs.  My
insurance didn't cover, so we paid up front, for which they give you a
lower rate.  I believe it was $67.


Two things to research - hypoglycemia and food allergies.


One area to look at is soy or dairy. Our son had to go dairy free and
soy free once we went GF. This is common among celiacs. Eventually both
dairy and soy can be re-introduced.  Remember if you reduce/eliminate
your dairy intake to compensate in some way for the loss of calcium.


Yet another C.D with carb problems. Have posted to the list under C.D
and Hyperinsulinemia?  All info and sites to visit are in there, about 2
weeks ago. Have you tried the Carbohydrate Addicts diet, or read the
book by the Drs.Heller?  I think I put the sites in there. Basically I
now only eat carbo once a day for i hour, because it regulates the
insulin, and the symptoms disappear. Remember fruits are carbs. Have you
tried Colloidal Silver for the Candida?


I too am on the scdiet and feel much better.  You must stay on it though
and build the right bacteria in your gut before things will be fine to
eat that are now not allowed.  The other thing is that you need (I think
all of us celiac do) digestive enzymes of the right kind.  Enzymes
Inc.'s live enzymes have helped me to be able to eat again.  After being
on the scdiet for a year or so you probably can eat normal again.  If
you want more info on the enzymes let me know and I will send you the
800 number for the MD that designs them.  She can help you figure out
which ones you need.  I couldn't eat any carbohydrates before taking
their Carbohydrase Enzymes and now I can.  I do not eat those
carbohydrates that are not to be eaten on the scdiet though, as I can
tell they throw me off.


I have the same problem, but have found no doctors that will help. I use
GYMNEMA when eating anything with carbs and it really helps. It
supposedly digests sugars for you, and I found it at a health food
store.  I look forward to your summary to see if someone else can help
us out on this. I have read where something called "reactive
hypoglycemia" can occur when your intestines start absorbing too much
sugar for your system to handle (due to any of a variety of reasons),
and you produce too much insulin real quick and get nauseous and groggy
(I slowly pass right out) - and I was thinking... if our intestines
weren't absorbing much before, then our systems might take a while to
get used to the normal amounts eaten and therefore explain the few
months it took us to start having these reactions when we thought we
were getting better. I too am convinced that yeast has something to do
with it, because I feel better on anti-fungal medications than anit-
biotics every time. Oh well, the searching for a doctor that has a clue
about this seems to be the worst part.


I'm a self diagnosed celiac. Plus I'm very knowledgable in candida.
Needless to say, I'm on the specific carb diet. Sweets should be limited
at the start. It is very important to stick to the diet and don't sway
from it for a year for it to help. I've only been on it for two weeks
now.  The book made it sound like you could eat simple sugars like a
ripe banana, honey, and other sweet things. I don't think that's
possible if candida is your problem. The book says that these sugars
will digest before they reach any candida in the lower bile. Well I get
reactions from the sugars. You must avoid fruits and honey for at least
eight months and even then I don't think honeys good. I've gotten better
before by staying away from sweets for eight months. It is so IMPORATNT
to be sugar free for 8 months. NO CHEATING. If you want to know what
cheating does to you I'll give you the address of a candida forum I
vistit. They all will have candida forever because they don't stick to a
no sugar diet for an extended time.


Some people are allergic to sugar and sweetners, my daughter is one
hypoglycemic ,I and all my kids, so it works to use allfruit jam in
baked goods, it might work for you.


One of the things that has helped me has been taking a more powerful
acidophilis (sp?) called Culturelle.  I found out about this at
www.finerhealth.com., which is Dr. Kenneth Fines' web site.  He is an
expert with CD and colitis.  You might want to check this out.  I took
the Culturelle and Pepto Bismo like he recommended and have been having
less problems with my stomach since then.  This has been after 4 years
of my CD diagnosis and continually having problems.


I have problems with carbs. I've been doing the Dr. atkins low carb diet
and have been feeling better than I have in a long time. Seems like if i
get up and only eat protein and fats all day that at supper time I can
eat the carbs without much difficulty.


I will get sick with Mrs. Robins becouse rice will cause those problems
in me. Try adding one kind of carb at a time and find out witch one you
have problems with. I can help the problem by cooking seaweed in my
rice. The acid in the seaweed  will help your digestion.


I'm also having problems with a GF diet, and have been eliminating foods
one by one.  I'm now down to rice, steamed vegetables, and meat (usually
beef). Are you avoiding rice as a source of carbohydrate?  I would never
have thought that rice would be a problem.

...end summary..