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Sat, 6 May 2000 10:53:23 -0500
Brian Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

You people have been a lifesaver!  I cannot believe how many resonses I
have received about the gfcf diet and how warm your notes were.  Some
actually brought me to tears as I read the concern you have for my son
Grant, 2 1/2.

I need some help again though.  Monday and Tues. Grant was gfcf and
subsequently had the first formed stool he had had since the last time I
had tried the diet for a few days in March.  When the Dr. said I had to
put the gluten back in his diet, I did so but have continued with cf as
he has been drinnking mainly rice and soy milk, some wh. gr. juice too.

He has been back on the gluten for three days and the stools are still
much better than they have been in a long time.  I was expecting the
mushy and diarrhea stools to return, at least by now, because it was my
suspicion that he had glu. intolerance or Celiac Dis.

My husband said, "Well, maybe it was just the casein bothering him."
That doesn't add up either because just last week, he was cf free
drinking water and wh. gr. juice only and his diarrhea was worse than
ever.  Didn't clear up until I put him on gfcf.  Is it possible that he
is still gluten intolerant even though the diarrhea has not returned???

Also,  if his stools are normal at the time of the testing, will that
disguise possible glu. int. or CD?  I must also mention that he has not
been overloaded with gluten, just eating normal amounts.  I planned my
menu this week for a gf diet so I did not have just tons on gluten stuff
in the house anyway.  We actually had to go out and buy more when he was
ordered to get back on the stuff.

Could it possibly be that the 48 hrs. he was gf healed the villi enough
that it will take some time for the gluten to insult it again?

I am just confused because I was sure the gfcf diet was the answer and
now I don't know what to think.   Is it gluten or just casein or both?
How can I tell with these inconsistent results?  Please tell me what you

Again much THANKS,
Melinda in TX (mom to Grant 2.6 and Hunter 6 mos.)