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Fri, 27 Apr 2001 19:39:12 -0500
Geise/Hopwood Family <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear listmates:

Has anyone had any experience with a blockage in their small intestine,
specifically the duodenum?  My mother has been very ill since October.
She had abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  She was also
severely anemic.  In November they removed her gallbladder, but the
problems persisted.  Numerous tests (including a biopsy for celiac --
six samples) were normal.

By early April, she was very thin, had lost 25 pounds, and was unable to
eat or drink anything (she vomited everything).  A new doctor discovered
a blockage in her small intestine (the duodenum) and last week she had
surgery to remove it.  We will find out tomorrow whether or not it was
malignant.   They believe that they removed all of "it," in any case, so
her prognosis at this point is optimistic.

I'm wondering if the blockage, cancer or not, could be celiac-related.
I know the biopsies were negative, but so were mine, although my doctor
has now officially diagnosed me with celiac since my symptoms have
resolved on the GF diet.  No, she hasn't tried the GF diet, I could
never convince her.

Susie G.

Illinois (and soon to be in sunny Arizona)