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Print Reply
Sat, 16 Dec 2000 08:06:57 -0500
Connie Sarros <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Heather wrote that she's distraught because of the lack of media
coverage on Celiac Sprue and the number of people who probably have it
but are undiagnosed.

I am, too.  About 4 weeks ago I wrote a letter and sent it to all of the
newspapers in Ohio.  The letter included a lot of facts about the
disease, including why and how it is misdiagnosed in America.  Within
the last two weeks, two newspapers, the Star Beacon in Astabula, Ohio
and the Englwood Independent, in Englewood, Ohio, have printed stories
about it.  The one in the Star Beacon was took up most of the front page
of their "Lifestyle" section, then continued on pg.3 of that section.
It was phonemenal!  The Englewood paper also had a terrific write-up.
Two other Ohio papers have contacted me for more leads and information
about Sprue.

This is the kind of media we need to get the word out.  Perhaps some of
you many be interested in contacting the papers in your states.  If you
are and need some facts to put into your story, e-mail me and I will
send you a copy of the letter I mailed to the papers.

Happy Holidays--
Connie Sarros
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