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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Thu, 23 Mar 2000 15:25:46 -0600
Sally Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Listmates:

Thank you all (all 43 of you!) for responding to my question
about what flour to use for dredging meat.  The results are
interesting. Here they are:

Cornstarch      9
White rice     10 (this includes two people who just said rice flour
                      & didn't stipulate which one)
Arrowroot       5
Bette H mixture 5
Potato flour    4 (2 of whom stressed not to use potato starch)
Potato starch   2
Brown rice      3
Sweet rice      5
Corn flour      1
Bean flour      1
Sorghum         1
Bette H 4-bean  1

Other blends (besides Bette H) were also suggested:
     tapioca & potato starch
     2pts rice lour to 1 part potato starch.

A couple of people recommended patting the meat dry & browning it
w/o any flour, then use cornstarch or rice flour to thick the sauce

Another idea that intrigues me is to "toast" sweet rice flour in
a dry skillet.

So I'm off to the kitchen. I think this time I'll try the potato
flour largely because I have it (!) and also because enough
people mentioned the grainy texture of the rice flour that I
think I'll wait and use that in another recipe.

Thanks once again to everyone for your help. I don't know what
I'd do w/o this list!!
