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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Yvonne Craig <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:28:24 -0400
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Your point is a good one, Jan. As I understand it, this is a list for (mostly) adults with CP, some older teenagers and some parents of children with CP. Since it is for support of those dealing with CP issues, and sexuality is an aspect of the human condition that is potentially affected by CP, it should be a fair topic for discussion. I think that rather than create a separate forum to discuss "mature" subjects, it might be more appropriate to create a forum for children and young adolescents affected by CP. Perhaps one already exists. 

I also found the forwarded "ditty" crude and inappropriate, but I think what was offensive was the poem itself and not the topic of sexuality. Sex can be discussed in a mature way, in language that would not be offensive, and in a way that would probably go over the heads of those little eyes that might open e-mails they shouldn't.  :-) 

As the Mom of a 3.5 year-old little boy with CP, I (thankfully) don't need to deal with dating issues for a while yet, lol. [Although he did have a "girlfriend last year in pre-school.... And he is a tremendous flirt... Uh-Oh... ;-)  ]  

But, seriously, I hope that by reading the stories and experiences of young men like yourself - good, bad or otherwise - I will be better prepared to help him as he reaches that stage of his life. After all, that's why we're all here - to learn from one another, isn't it?

Just my thoughts.


>>> [log in to unmask] 08/15/00 01:34AM >>>
Ok friends I am compelled to say something some of you may not like it
but here it goes.  The poem forwarded was in my opinion vulgar.  But
this raises an interesting question some of us have "mature issues" that
may or may not be dealing with sexual questions.  Baring in mind that
some of us do not have a lot of close friends to talk about these
"mature issues".   Even if we did most of my able bodied friends would
not understand the troubles I for one have with just getting a date.  I
have a lot of female friends on the college campus I would classify them
as good friends.  But most are scared away when I ask them on a date.

Case and point a friend of mine asked a young attractive female out for
me because I was not sure how she would react.  This is do to the fact
that I got stood up for my senior prom.   But to keep a long story short
the young attractive female told my friend that she "would love to go
out with me", needless to say I haven't seen her on campus since.

My point is:  Is there perhaps another list that could perhaps deal with
these mature issues?  Or maybe just open the list up to deal with this.
Joy:  Maybe there are young children on this list ok.  But is it not the
parents responsibility to check what their children are reading?   It
just seems to me society in general is scared of the word "sex" or
"adult nature".  But I think it is a part of life that I have had
trouble with (with this I mean the relationship front, dating, etc.  I
was just wondering if more people had these problems and or questions.

Finally, if I have upset some list members I am very sorry.  But I just
think that had to be said.  Please don't shoot me.

Jan Nottmeier

PS:  For new list members I am a 22 year old male.