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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Laura Cleveland <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 May 2000 19:42:39 -0400
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (396 lines)
What's a priggy? Must be an east coast thing.

I was refering to our list manager's request to keep in mind the teens who
are the list.
In the words of Alanis Morrisette, "Isn't it ironic, don't you think?"

> From: I. S. MARGOLIS <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 7:17 PM
> Priggy.  Priggy. Priggy.  Here little Priggy.
> Are you suggesting it's better to do than to read?
> Someday teenagers grow up.
> Nothing like education from knowledgeable sources.
> S.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Laura Cleveland" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 4:34 PM
> > Excuse me! I thought we had teenagers on this list! Do you think your
> > answer to # 20 is appropriate--i.e. would you want Amber reading a
> response
> > such as this?
> > L.
> >
> > ----------
> > > From: Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
> > > To: [log in to unmask]
> > > Subject: Re: [DateAbilities] GETTING TO KNOW YOU SURVEY FOR SINGLES
> > > Date: Monday, May 08, 2000 1:10 PM
> > >
> > > Hi Mike,
> > >
> > >        Cool, did you think of this? I altered some of the questions
> > bring
> > > out the more inportant points. I am not looking for anyone to date at
> the
> > > moment - I am dating 3 guys now - all of whom think I walk on water -
> > which
> > > of course I do - in the form of ice!! LOL But I answered anyway!!
> Several
> > of
> > > the questions required a bit of bathtub mulling time.
> > >
> > >
> > > > 1.  When is your birthday?  6/22/53  (46 for at least another
> > > >
> > > > 2.  Have you ever been married, and if so how many times ( not an
> > > > unreasonable now - with the third divorce rate up to 16%)?  Yes, 3
> > times
> > > >
> > > > 3.  Do have a child/ren, anything special about them?  Yes, one
> > > > daughter with Cerebral Palsy, and one Angel.
> > > >
> > > > 4.  Do you have a recent (within a year) photo of yourself you can
> > attach
> > > > to
> > > > e-mail or on a web page I can see? I would drop this to then end
> > then
> > > > rephrase - I never reply to anyone who has to have my pricture -
> > are
> > > > just too shallow. It is far better to get to know someone's
> personality
> > > > than see them. Our preception or feelings  about people color our
> > of
> > > > their looks. I would place no emphasis on looks - 30 seconds can
> > Ms.
> > > > America into Ms. Frankenstein.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 5.  Do you practice any religion?  Paganism
> > > > If so, where do you attend religious services? Mount Vernon
> > > > Church, and as a Pagan Preistess I hold circles at my house.
> > > >
> > >              More inportantly than what the label of the religion is
> > is
> > > how spiritually motivated the person is - you need to find out if
> > are
> > > tolerant to others beliefs. I date across faiths, I am dating a
> > Unitarian, a
> > > Jew and a Quaker - at the moment. The only set of beliefs I place
> outside
> > of
> > > consideration for any prolonged exporsure to - is the cult - Born
> > > Christians. I adore going to Mass, and Unitarian services.
> > >
> > > > 6.  Are you employed? Fulltime or part-time   Yes, both
> > > >      What's your employment? Fulltime I am a Data Analyst, and
> > part-time I
> > > > am a fine jewelry associate in a marjor department store.
> > > >
> > >            Additional ask about education and degrees.
> > >         What is your education level? Post Graduate
> > >         What is any degrees do you hold? I have a BS in CIS
> > >         What id an future educational plans do you have - I am 2
> > > from my first Masters In CIS, will be getting a second one and going
> > to a
> > > PHD.
> > >
> > > > 7.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully teaching at
> > Northern
> > > > Virginia Community College or one of the other umpteen higher
> > educational
> > > > Institutes we have here, and beginning my PhD, putting my kid thru
> > > > college. Having a SO would a plus.
> > > >
> > >              I would change this to 5 years - 10 years is a very long
> > time.
> > > My answer is based on 5 time period.
> > >
> > > > 8.  What state do you live in?  Virginia
> > > >
> > > > Would you be willing to relocate if we decided to become a couple?
> Why
> > do
> > > > they have to be the one to move? The partner with the least
> > > > should be willing to move. ie - I was willing to move for Bob
> ,
> > I
> > > > have a great deal invested in this area,  my employment, place of
> > > > education, continutity for child, own a home and have aging
> > that
> > > > make moving out at lewast in the immediate future.
> > > >
> > > > 9.  Do you plan to get married? NO!!!
> > > >
> > >            Rephrase this - can you see marraige in the your future.
> > one
> > > should be looking to get married, they should be willing to consider
> > > possibility with the right person - Marraige is not like a car or a
> > house.
> > > We would have much lower divorce rate if people where more realistic
> > about
> > > marriage instead being something you do as an adult like buying a
> > >
> > >                 Yes, I will marry solely for love.
> > >
> > > > 10.  Do you want to have a child or additional children?  No
> > >                Would you accept someone else's existing children?
> > >
> > > > 11.  Do you like animals? not really   UGH  Mike !!!  Unless you
> > > > allergic to them ot loath them - this is not incredibly important.
> > > > frankly I would want to know if they had a pet BOA......!!!
> > >                Do you have pets? if so what kind?   Yes, 3 cats
> > >
> > >
> > > > 12.  What's the thing you like most about yourself?  I like the
fact I
> > am
> > > > 4'10", I adore my blonde hair and blue eyes, and I enjoy being a
> > for
> > > > myself to dress up.
> > > >
> > >               Ummmmm  ... How about what do feel are the positive
> aspects
> > of
> > > you personality and thought processes. I really love and care for
> others,
> > I
> > > am unjudgemental, highly logical and walk on the sunny side of the
> street
> > (
> > > ie find positive regardless).
> > >
> > >
> > > > 13.  What's the thing you like least about yourself? The extra 35
> > pounds!!
> > > >
> > >               Hmmmm.... how about - what areas do you feel you could
> > improve
> > > or are working to improve yourself in. Self imagine/self esteem.Not
> > holding
> > > my self to standards of prefection, and then giving myself grief when
> > > stumble. Treating myself with the same love and understanding that I
> have
> > > for others.
> > >
> > > > 14.  What's your "disability"/"challenge"?  I was a premie, and
> > > > internal organ deformities, fragile lungs, and rebuilt feet. Minor
> > brain
> > > > damage due to stroke - affects speech in that I am not always able
> > say
> > > > the word I mean or produce sentences of purely unrelated gobbled
> > > > Severe skeletal/neurological/internal organ damage sustained during
> > abuse.
> > > > I have PTSD from years of physical/sexual/emotional abuse.
> > > > uterine cancer. Pericardal spasms. Migraines.
> > > >
> > > > 15.  When did your last romantic relationship end? a year ago
> > > >
> > > > Are you still in touch with that person? unfortunately yes
> > > >
> > > > What feelings do you have for that person now? I love them very
> > but
> > > > understand we are not compatible do to maturity issues.
> > > >
> > >            Mike - it is a very important clue how people answer this.
> > not
> > > write anything negative - this would be the first warning sign for me
> > > avoid someone. Any relation and break-up requires two people - and
> > were
> > > your choice in the first place and maybe bad judgement on your part -
> > not
> > > listening to them and discarding them early on - created the
> > This
> > > attitude also means they haven't gotten past it. You make the choice
> > how
> > > you fel about something, and once its over - its needs to be over -
> > before
> > > you start again. I also would avoid anyone could not forgive and get
> past
> > > stuff - We all screw up and sometimes badly - then non acceptance of
> > > someones mistakes means they will also be this judgemental with me -
> > > others. It is also a sign they haven't moved past the incident yet.
> > > don't need anyone hung up on the past. The here and now is what is
> > > important, and you can't be here and now and spouting venom for the
> past.
> > > and having no feelings for someone - means no feels not negative
ones. I
> > > forget Amber father even exists.
> > >
> > >
> > > > 16.  What medications, if any, do you take? Narcotics for pain,
> > for
> > > > muscles spasms, Anaprox for PMS, Tavist D for allergies, lots of
> > > > antiobiotics for frequent infections, chemo seriously weaked immune
> > > > system. Valium for dental visits. Something for my migranes - all
> > except -
> > > > Tavist D are on an as needed basis,
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 17.  Ever been arrested?  Nope
> > > >
> > > > 18.  Ever been in a mental hospital?  no, but its sounds great - I
> have
> > > > always wanted to lose my mind and be a happy blithering idiot
> > else
> > > > had to care for.
> > > >
> > > > 19.  Do you smoke cigarettes?  Social smoker !!
> > > > drink alcohol? Social drinker only
> > > > use marijuana or take other recreational drugs?  nope - take enough
> > > > regular ones!!!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 20.  Do you believe sex before marriage is okay?  I think a more
> > general
> > > > question  as to someones attitude towards sex is more important.
> Almost
> > > > everyone has some sexual perferences or hang-ups. Sex and Marriage
> > > > actaully have nothing to do with each other. Sex is a hormonal
> > urge
> > > > to reproduce. Marraige is a commitment to a relationship with
> > > > else. Something one does 1% of the time should not be the reason
> > gets
> > > > married or the reason one gets unmarried. One's ridgitiy thought
> an
> > > > inability to compromise - items which go beyond sex, but frequently
> > come
> > > > out with sex first, are stumbling blocks. Also, women are more
> > about
> > > > stuff being dirty, than guys. Both sides need to be able to
> compromise.
> > > > What I see to often with marraiges is the partner has become the
> > opponant
> > > > becasue of a different view rather than a partner with which ones
> finds
> > a
> > > > middle ground. I have a had several guys whose most important
> > to
> > > > answer was - Do I do Blowjobs or anal - As far as I am concerned -
> that
> > is
> > > > illevant at the first contact/ dating stage. I certainly never ask
> > period.
> > > > They may never get a second date - so why was it important?  Also
> > remember
> > > > social moreys on sex change with age, and belief systems. It is
> > more
> > > > important to know how the person feels about sex and their birth
> > control
> > > > issues than actually taking them for a test drive. There is a world
> > > > difference between sex as a recreational sport, and that of sex as
> > > > intimate loving act. It was discovered it takes years before people
> > > > cactually become truely intimate and it requires mores than sex.
> > > >
> > > > 21.  Are you dating anyone now?  yes three guys
> > > >
> > > > 22.  Describe your ideal mate (person). Describes
> > > > qualities/characteristics or personality traits you would like in
> mate.
> > >                Honesty, cleaniness, reliability, intelligence, lack
> > being
> > > judgemental, good self-esteem, gentleness, ability to control temper,
> > love
> > > of reading and traveling ablility to interface with children and
> > >
> > > > 23.  Describe your ideal date (place or activity). What ones does
> > > > irrelvant - it who one does it with that matters. Ask about a list
> > > > actitivites/places they like - mountains. beach, forest, traveling,
> > > > photography, handicrafts, SETI, Sci-fi.
> > > >
> > > > 24.  Do you feel most loved by getting a gift, hearing the words "I
> > love
> > > > you"
> > > > or another person spending time with you? Rephrase to what is
> > > > gift someone can give you. To me it is when someone takes time
> > my
> > > > positive aspects or compliments me - It means they have actaully
> > > > attention and noticed me. The terms I love and someone spending
> > with
> > > > can still be all about them and their needs - not yours. Today in
> > age
> > > > of me ism most people primary concern is themselves another reason
> > > > relatationships don't work. Its not about getting what you want or
> even
> > > > what you think you want. I am fairly sure even the happiliest
> > > > folks will tell you its a lot of hard work, patient and giving to
> > > > other - not unlike taking care of child. Life is not as they say -
> > > > about me" and the most unhappy people seem to be the ones who think
> > is.
> > > >
> > > >
> >