On Wed, 8 Nov 2000 04:53:53 -0500, Gareth Cranny wrote:
What good benchmark programs do you use?
>I have Ultra-66 onboard, and just picked up a promise ATA-100 Controller. I
>like the IBM's for their speed and reliability, but this one dying bothers
>me. It spins at 7200rpm, like the barracuda and maxtor, and has an 8.5 seek
>time like the maxtor. The seagate's seek time is 8.2 . I read way too much
>about the stuff I but, can you tell? lol :)
>Thanks for the tip though, I'm going to buy one of each and run some
>benchmarks, return the slower drive. (I have a friend in the store I shop
>at :) )
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