On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Wally Ballou wrote:
> Have you considered the possibility that 15-20% BF may be the proper
> level for a healthy, adult male, or more particularly, the proper level
> for you?
Yes, I have considered it. My reasons for wanting less BF are
more about vanity than health.
> Sure, some men naturally live with much lower levels, even with
> non-paleo, high-carb diets, and that's come to be the image of "health"
> in our society. Most medical authorities (even low-fat/low-cal,
> high-carb types) try to warn normal women NOT to try to emulate the
> unhealthy stick figure look that passes for "fashionable,"
> but I've heard little in the way of similar warnings toward males.
It depends, I guess, on what levels of body fat one regards as
unhealthy. I actually have no way of knowing whether my BF level
is healthy for me.
> It seems to me that the difficulties you describe would be perfectly
> reasonable if your body was fighting to maintain a healthy composition.
I have, a few times in my life, had lower BF. I didn't notice
any health problems, but maybe I didn't stay at that weight long
Actually, though, I wonder how many male paleodieters on this
list believe they have BF less than 15%..?
Todd Moody
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