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Micki Fraser <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 19:36:16 MST
text/plain (52 lines)
Hello there,
I’ve been lurking quite abit due to some stresses in my life. My automobile
ceased functioning a week ago when my mechanic totaled it on a test drive. It
wasn’t his fault, but now I’m having the JOY of working on getting another
vehicle. I wouldn’t mind riding my bike except that we’re about 5 miles away
from civilisation in a rural hilly area outside town and I’m not in the best
of shape, YET. Money’s tight, so it may be a few months before I begin
shopping for wheels. Meanwhile I borrow my partner’s car for grocery  shopping
and errands once a week. It’ll be a good lesson in simplifying my life.
Here are some thoughts on recent posts.
On fruit: I too must limit my intake to 1 piece or less daily in order to
remain in ketosis for weight loss. As for caloric restriction, I’ve had no
trouble eating unlimitedly. I find that it’s FAT that provides the satiety I
need and helps to hasten weight loss. The more fat I seem to eat, and pemmican
is wonderful for this, the faster weight comes off, but I’m very happy just
losing a pound a week. I also realise that everyone is different and each must
do what works for them. In the case of paleo I’ve no doubt that it’s for all
humanoid bipeds, but as far as macronutrient percentages go, tweeking here and
there, perhaps more carbs for men, more fat grams for women, or whatever works
individually is a piece of the puzzle. One could consider that it might be
certain medications/hormones and not the lack of caloric restriction that is
causing a stall in weight loss. These can affect the body even months after
having been discontinued. Slow and steady wins the race, but that’s just my
I’ve made considerable progress since February 6th. I’ve maintained a loss of
about 22 lbs. and counting, only 1 lb. of it being lean body mass..going from
106 lbm to 105. My fat percentage has gone from a whopping 44% to 38%, and
I’ve lost 11 inches overall, 5 inches of it from my waist. Paleolithic eating
definitely agrees with me. I refuse to cut any corners and I’m doing it by the
book with the exception that I’ve yet to develop a taste for raw meat though
raw fresh fish I’ve always liked as ceviche or sashimi. My general health is
improving by leaps and bounds as asthma and congestions continue to decrease
and energy continues to rise.
A thought about bamboo shoots: I don’t think they’re paleo because they must
be boiled twice to remove toxins before becoming edible. I think but I’m not
sure that sesame oil is also highly refined. And then what about those exotic
little tiny corn cobs which are not corn at all?!
About the “change”: I have also derived much benefit from Susun Weed’s book,
but I take it with a grain of sea salt. I come from a family of folk
herbalists going back not a few generations. Herbs are potent allies that must
be respected and used judiciously. Oatstraw tea has been of benefit as has
dong quai, siberian gineng, and motherwort for my female issues. I find that
using dong quai before ovulation and siberian ginseng after, are all I feel I
need at this time. Another paleo plus, I used to have to take advil every day,
but in the last month I’ve only had to take 2!
Hope you are all well.
I am appreciative of this list.

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