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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 May 2000 05:26:32 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
On Sat, 27 May 2000 19:22:03 -0700, Rick Kamen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>How much time?

Hi Rick,
i took a little over 1 year until my gut flora became somewhat
constant and unsensible to many things that"usually" may produce gas.
Maybe the biggest leap in this was that in the meantime i developped
an aversion of eating anything sweet *together* with any real food.
Mixing sweet and cellulose munching symbionts isn't much of
a good idea...

>Has anyone experienced lessening of allergic symptoms from this diet?

My own experience already 15 years ago, when changing from
common ("SAD") diet to simple grain based vegetarian (purists, sorry)
were the most impressive so far. Since then (at the age of 25!)
my acne disappeared at last. In addition i experienced feeling
quicker and having better senses,
especially when leaving out dairy as well.

Now, since 2 years I've been  avoiding wheat (promoting other seeds)
and changing from "common" seeds towards  a greater
percentage of simple plain vegetables - cooked and raw.
At the same time i avoid my known allergens (soy, hazel) and try
other eating principles, which i assume more paleo. Like
not mixing too many items in one meal.
Trying to take care of my omega-3 fat compositions i increased
flax oil - i find i tastes delicious.
Now i think its time to think over enough omega-6 oil ..

I actually registered anti-allergen reactions since this:
My nose-tip itched sometimes whan eating - disappeared.
After a meal sometimes i needed a paper handerchief -
i just registered that i haven't them in my house anymore....


(sorry about so much typo's and my  often unexact english,
i found rereading some of my postings)