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Fri, 1 Sep 2000 15:17:53 -0500
Brian Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My son has experienced improvement since going GF (and dairy free except
for Lactaid milk) about three months ago.  He still has bouts with
diarrhea, though, and it is really difficult to pinpoint what the cause
of the problem is every time.  Many times I chalk it up to too much
sugar or maybe something that was too fiberous.  I am very strict about
removing all gluten and cook mainly whole foods.  Today the diarrhea is
really bad.  The only things I can think of are that he had just a very
few peas in a dish I made.  I used the soft, canned peas at that.  The
other thing is, could he possibly be casein intolerant?  He has been
drinking Lactaid but I have been trying to change him to a soy milk, so
I have been mixing them.  He refuses to drink any kind or straight soy
milk.  (I have been using Westsoy.)  Could the soy milk be causing the
problem?  For those of you who are casein intolerant, does this type of
intolerance cause diarrhea?  Any help will be welcomed.

Much thanks,