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Fri, 4 Aug 2000 13:19:42 EDT
Kim Goodman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello.  You have all been such a great help and kept  me feeling "normal"....

I am GF for ~ 1.5 months and never felt better.

Here's my question:  My husband and I are going to start to try to have a
family next spring.  I  just found out that I had CD ~ 2 months ago.  Does
anyone have any suggestions, stories of there own about trying to get
pregnant?  I am going to the doctor next week to get a full nutritional level
panel and bone density tests.  Does anyone else have any suggestiosn on
tests, vits, any else that I shoudl do in order to prep to ol' body.  I would
also be interested in hearing others stories.  thanks!

This website has been the best place to learn the most up to date info.

Kim :)

Gluten free and happy!