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Tue, 25 Jul 2000 11:10:24 -0700
Chris & Richard Kranzler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Needing to find a fast food that was safe, I checked out all the
McDonald's foods from their comprehensive list of ingredients; kept in
most of their stores and usually displayed.  Having discovered that the
obvious foods such as burgers were safe if you did not have the bun
(other than the Big Mac which has wheat starch in the sauce) I started
using McD's on a regular basis as a quick food supply when travelling.
It's been quite an experience though!

Living in California we have lots of non English speaking people working
in McDonalds and trying to explain to them that I want a Quarter Pounder
with cheese but NO BUN has turned into quite a drama.  I often ended up
with all sorts of variations - even to the point where one place only
gave me lettuce and tomatoe - nothing else!  I finally got my usual
McD's educated about wheat allergies and they no longer make a big song
and dance about giving me the meal but with the burger of my choice in a
box instead minus the bread.  However, we went to a McDonald's late the
other night on our way home from a long work session and were both
starving hungry so decided to pick up a quick meal on route.  We did the
drive through ordering, and my husband did his usual "NO BUN" and we
could hear laughter in the background.  When we got to the pay window -
two of the employees were waiting for us, and they looked in the car and
then asked us if the special order was for our dog, as they often get
requests for burgers with no buns for peoples pets!!!!!!!!!!!   I
laughed and laughed, as hey maybe this was a good way to actually get
wheat free food from McDonalds without having to explain all about wheat
problems and allergies.

Thinking about it though, its sad that places like McDonald's (who
carefully have lists for all allergies and food intolerances) consider
that our pet dogs eating their burgers without buns is more acceptable
than people who have a serious life threatening need to have food that
is wheat free.

Next time, I want to come back as a dog and maybe this celiac diet will
be more fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Kranzler