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Patrick Madigan <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 10:27:50 -0700
text/plain (101 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you VERY MUCH to everyone who responded to my plea for help.  I
received some great advice... now I feel like I have some options.

Basically, my problem is that I probably have Celiac disease, but I'm not
diagnosed.  I also have symptoms of acid reflux.  However, I've been
watching my diet and taking various meds over the last several months, and
seen little improvement.  My concern was, if I should be expecting any
changes this soon, or if I should be investigating other causes of my
symptoms.  The main symptom that I have is nausea.  My doctor has me on
Zantac and Propulsid, which maybe help a little.

There's no good way to group these responses, so I'll just list as best I

- Keep checking for hidden sources of gluten

- Maybe I don't really have acid reflux.  One person pointed out that the
symptoms of acid reflux were heartburn and acid indigestion, and the feeling
like something is moving up your throat.  I don't get any of that, I simply
feel queasy.  (My problem may be related to a throat congestion problem that
I've had for years, maybe I'm just gagging.  However, the treatments for
acid reflux seem to alleviate some of my symptoms, so I have been calling it
acid reflux.)

- Stop screwing around and get a REAL celiac diagnosis.

- Prevacid is the common treatment for acid reflux.  It usually works, but
in some cases surgery may be needed.  Sucralfate may also help, too.
Prilosec is another common remedy.

- It sounds like acid reflux is hard to recover from, mainly because of the
cheating involved.  I've certainly had to face down some demons, like
chocolate and coffee, and it sounds like others have struggled with this as

- Esophageal cancer should be considered as a cause.

- Lots of people listed their foods sensitivities, and most included corn on
that list.  (I have JUST figured out that corn may be bad for me, too.  This
has probably tripped up my recovery more than anything else... these NEW
sensitivities that pop up out of nowhere.)

- Look out for citric acid, all processed foods, and commercial salt... it
often has corn added.

- "Has anyone mentioned correct food combining as a reflux correction?  Last
year, when complaining to my doctor about my dreadful acid reflux, burping,
etc. he handed my two sheets with the correction food combination lists.  I
was so desperate I followed it immediately and had perfect results with no
medication what-so-ever.  I haven't been bothered since, unless, on some
'special' occasions, out to a wonderful restaurant etc. I'll not follow the
correct combining and suffer by bedtime.  Back on track the next day, all
works perfectly again. (That particular doctor also practiced what he
preached.)  The most important first step is NEVER eating a protein and
starch together."

- One lady told me about how her chiropractor (kinesiologist?) was able to
cure her reflux in just a few weeks.  She recommended that, if nothing else,
I try this before resorting to surgery.  Another person had excellent
results with accupuncture.

- The gall bladder could be the source of the problem.  Just because they
don't see stones on the ultrasound, doesn't mean that the gall bladder is
functioning perfectly.  There is an emptying test that can tell you whether
it's working or not.

- Nausea can be the result of migraines.

- It may be a problem with esophageal motility, and the treatment for that
is Elavil.  The same person also suggested that I consider whether I am
fructose intolerant.

- Take probiotics, like acidophilus.

- This will take time and much prayer.

- I could be suffering from intolerance to the natural chemicals found in
foods (salicylates, amines, etc.).  More information is available at this
site: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~sdengate/

- Always keep alert to new sensitivities.

- One person had good results with a parasite cleanse called Paragone.

- Pepto Bismol received good marks overall.  One person mentioned that it
contained aspirin, so taking large quantities could cause problems.

- A hiatial hernia could be causing the nausea symptoms.

- See an allergy specialist and get tested.

I'm going to figure out if there's something else going on with my throat
that is making me gag.  I'll also go in for the allergy testing, and the
gall bladder emptying test.  If none of those approaches pan out, I'll start
following up on the other excellent leads here.  Thanks again to everyone
for helping me and the others with similar symptoms.
