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Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:35:36 -0800
Karen A. Van Dahlen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Re: my recently posted query about restless legs syndrome:

20 people responded, 17 who suffer from RLS, 1 who requested info, and 2
with helpful suggestions.

Several had RLS prior to their CD diagnosis.

1 person said not following the diet and steroid inhalers makes theirs

1 person says an electric blanket helps.

1 person pointed me to www.rls.org an excellant web site.

1 person said corn causes their symptoms.

Ron Hoggan suggested ELISA testing.

Don Wiss suggested the Paleolithic diet which is which is high in saturated
fats and meat, plenty of nuts, olive oil, no rice or potatoes (or other
grains), minimal beans, minimal supplements, and no dairy. An interesting
coincidence?, the neurologist I saw for the first time 11/3 gave me a
prescription for Klonopin and a nice little lecture on the evils of low fat
diets. He said eat plenty of protein, greens, oils(fish, olive), peanuts are
good stuff, and keep away from sugars and low carb it! He said he eats red
meat every chance he gets although white meat's fine.

In conclusion, it seems RLS isn't as rare as I thought.

A side story:

My little sister just told me that her legs get jumpy on long car
trips,(she's been blood tested negative for CD), and my Pop reminded me that
my maternal Grandmother was a "night walker". She had problems with
constipation all her life and thyroid problems. She died from colon cancer.
My mother was a failure to thrive baby, had fertility problems, "nervous
colitis", and adult onset diabetes which eventually killed her. Mom also had
peripheral neuropathy from the diabetes. I can't help but wonder if they
were both CD'ers. They both died before my diagnosis so I guess I'll never

It's gotten so every time I hear of some weird autoimmune disease or
undiagnoseable ( is that a real word?) medical problem I want to link it to
a food problem! Am I getting paranoid or just wiser?
