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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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Fri, 21 May 1999 07:34:29 -0400
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*                  Today in Black History - May 21             *

1833 - Oberlin College is founded in Ohio "to train teachers and other
        Christian leaders for the boundless most desolate fields in the
        West."  After almost going bankrupt in 1835, Oberlin will become the
        first college in the United States to admit African Americans.
        Arthur and Lewis Tappan, wealthy New York merchants and abolitionists,
        will insist that Oberlin admit students regardless of their color, as
        a condition of their financial support.  As a result of this decision,
        by 1900, nearly half of all the African American college graduates in
        the United States -- 128 to be exact -- will be graduated from

1862 - Mary Jane Patterson becomes the first African American woman to earn
        an B.A degree from the four-year gentleman's course at Oberlin College
        in Ohio.

1904 - Thomas "Fats" Waller, is born in New York City.  He will become a
        celebrated jazz pianist, organist, and composer.  Early in the 1920s,
        Waller will become the protege of the famous pianist James P. Johnson
        and later will accompany such important vocalists as Florence Hills
        and Bessie Smith.  His hundreds of recordings, including some early
        piano rolls, encompass ragtime, boogie woogie, dixieland, and swing,
        although in his hands these styles are deftly recomposed into a unique
        Waller sound that will influence most of the jazz pianists of the
        following generation.  His appearances on radio and in several motion
        pictures (notably "Stormy Weather," 1943) will bring Waller's talents
        to a wide audience.  A major jazz creator, he will write complete
        scores for such all-African-American shows as "Keep Shufflin'" (1928)
        and "Hot Chocolates" (1929) as well as many single pieces, especially
        the now-classic "Honeysuckle Rose," "Ain't Misbehavin'," and "Black
        and Blue."

1921 - Christopher Perry, who founded the Philadelphia Tribune in 1884, dies
        in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at the age of 65.

1941 - Ronald Isley is born in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He will become a singer
        and with his brothers O'Kelly, Rudolph and Vernon Isley will form the
        group, The Isley Brothers.  They will leave Cincinnati in 1956 and go
        to New York City to pursue their musical career.  Ronald and his
        brothers will obtain fame and success nationally and internationally
        earning numerous platinum and gold albums which contain such classic
        hits as "Shout," "Twist and Shout," "It's Your Thing," "Who's That
        Lady," "Fight the Power," "For the Love of You," "Harvest For The
        World," "Live It Up," "Footsteps in the Dark," "Work to Do," "Don't
        Say Good Night" and many others.

1955 - After being introduced to Leonard Chess, by bluesman Muddy Waters,
        Chuck Berry goes into a recording session for Chess Records, performing
        a restyled version of his song "Ida Red".  What comes out of that hot
        session will be Ida Red's new name and Chuck Berry's first hit,
        "Maybellene".  "Maybellene" will top the Rhythm & Blues charts at #1,
        and the pop charts at #5.

1961 - Freedom Riders are attacked in Montgomery, Alabama.  The third city in
        which the CORE-sponsored group is attacked, the incident prompts
        Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to send U.S. marshals to keep the
        peace while Governor Patterson of Alabama declares martial law and
        dispatches the National Guard to the troubled area.

1969 - Police and National Guardsmen fire on demonstrators at North Carolina
        A&T College.  One student is killed and five policemen are injured.

1970 - The National Guard is mobilized to stop widespread demonstrations and
        violence at Ohio State University. The interracial student
        demonstrators demand an end to ROTC programs and greater admissions
        for African-American students.

1971 - Riots in Chattanooga, Tennessee, result in one death and 400 arrests
        as National Guard troops are called to put down the racially motivated

1973 - The sensual, "Pillow Talk", by Sylvia (Sylvia Vanderpool), earns a gold
        record.  The artist first recorded with Hot Lips Page for Columbia
        Records back in 1950 and was known as Little Sylvia.  She was also
        half of the singing duo Mickey & Sylvia, who recorded "Love Is Strange"
        in 1957.  "Pillow Talk" is her only solo major hit and will make it to
        number three on the pop music charts.

1975 - Lowell W. Perry is confirmed as chairman of the Equal Opportunity
        Commission (EEOC).

1985 - Marvin Gaye's last album is released.  "Dream of a Lifetime" features
        songs that critics consider too offensive such as the controversial,
        pop version of "The Lord's Prayer".  Three of the songs from the
        album are completed after Gaye's death.  Marvin Gaye will be inducted
        into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
   	          "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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