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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 12 May 2000 10:44:31 -0700
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
<[log in to unmask]> from "Issodhos" at May 11, 2000 09:03:42 PM
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
The below quibbles on the meaning of 'murder'--please I have the
right to use the word with its common meaning, legalisms aside.

And the US IS a European nation, what language do we speak, where
did our laws come from, need we go on?

State murders ARE murders, and they do focus on 'minorities' only 23%
of such murders are 'white' (read Germanic).
> In a message dated 5/10/00 1:37:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> > The below loftily celebrates the state murders, peculiar to the US among
> >  European nations.  However no mention is made about the state's focus
> >  on the poorest people (often African/Chicano)--and the historical
> >  insight that these state murders are but a continuation of lynching.
>    Incorrect, William.  Providing perspective is not an act of celebration,
> murder is a legal term that does not equate to legal execution, and America
> is not a European nation.  I also consider the use of terms such as "among
> highly industrialized nations," "European nations," "civilized nations," etc.
> to be racist code referring to predominantly 'white' nations.  Are we to
> think it a lowering of standards to be compared to predominantly 'nonwhite'
> nations?  How does the rationalization go -- "Oh yes, they do kill quite a
> bit more of each other but -- well -- they're not white don't you know".:-)
>       As to your attempt to put a racial spin on it the crime statistics do
> not support your suggestion that "the state" is focusing on nonwhites.
> Presented here for your edification:
> Bureau of Justice Statistics
> Homicide trends in the United States
> Homicide offending rates by race
>          Rates per 100,000 population
>   Year     White    Black    Other           Ratio of black to white
>     1976      5.1     44.7      7.4               8.8
>     1977      5.3     42.3      8.3               8.0
>     1978      5.5     42.3      7.0               7.7
>     1979      6.0     45.2      9.5               7.5
>     1980      6.7     49.9      6.2               7.4
>     1981      6.1     44.8      6.2               7.3
>     1982      5.8     39.8      6.8               6.9
>     1983      5.3     35.6      6.4               6.7
>     1984      5.3     32.8      5.2               6.2
>     1985      5.1     33.3      5.6               6.5
>     1986      5.4     36.8      6.4               6.8
>     1987      5.3     35.6      4.9               6.7
>     1988      5.0     40.3      4.3               8.1
>     1989      5.1     41.9      4.3               8.2
>     1990      5.6     46.9      4.1               8.4
>     1991      5.7     50.4      5.4               8.8
>     1992      5.2     46.8      5.8               9.0
>     1993      5.2     49.3      5.6               9.5
>     1994      5.0     46.1      4.9               9.2
>     1995      4.9     39.1      5.1               8.0
>     1996      4.5     35.8      4.7               8.0
>     1997      4.1     32.4      4.5               7.9
>     1998      4.1     28.3      3.5               6.9
> Number of homicide offenders by race, 1976-98
>   Year     White    Black    Other           Ratio of black to white
>     1976     9467    10523      362               1.1
>     1977     9842    10133      414               1.0
>     1978    10293    10329      361               1.0
>     1979    11455    11227      503               1.0
>     1980    12935    12911      354               1.0
>     1981    11976    12145      354               1.0
>     1982    11524    10943      414               0.9
>     1983    10651     9941      415               0.9
>     1984    10709     9270      358               0.9
>     1985    10410     9548      415               0.9
>     1986    10981    10700      497               1.0
>     1987    10804    10496      404               1.0
>     1988    10417    12040      375               1.2
>     1989    10608    12707      391               1.2
>     1990    11790    14281      394               1.2
>     1991    12057    15665      545               1.3
>     1992    11135    14804      609               1.3
>     1993    11179    15844      614               1.4
>     1994    10895    15036      558               1.4
>     1995    10643    12931      615               1.2
>     1996     9844    11985      584               1.2
>     1997     9022    11005      575               1.2
>     1998     9051     9733      470               1.1
> Source: FBI, Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-98.
> See the methodology section in Additional Information About
> the Data for weighting and imputation procedures used.
>   As you can see, Black Americans murder overwhelmingly out of all proportion
> to their percent of the population so it is to be expected that they would
> represent a high percentage of those who are on death row, yet they are still
> outnumbered on death row by white murderers.
> Yours,
> Issodhos