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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Patricia Brantley <[log in to unmask]>, Pam and Bob Gambardella <[log in to unmask]>, Lynn Shell <[log in to unmask]>, Laura G Fleck <[log in to unmask]>, Jim Hill <[log in to unmask]>, Dick and Shirley Cook <[log in to unmask]>, David & Donna Foster <[log in to unmask]>, Alison Beckett <[log in to unmask]>, Beverly Erickson <[log in to unmask]>, Carol and Lance Brick <[log in to unmask]>, Coleen Cobb <[log in to unmask]>, Kyle Myers <[log in to unmask]>, Mary Thompson <[log in to unmask]>, Melissa and Terry Ledwell <[log in to unmask]>, Nancy Molineli <[log in to unmask]>, Sandi Wood <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 May 2000 07:50:36 -0400
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
"Elizabeth H. Thiers" <[log in to unmask]>
Luann and Bob Malark <[log in to unmask]>
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text/plain (63 lines)
On the lighter side of life...

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Subject: Fw: [Fwd: What You Really Want]

This is a real post from The Motley Fool Early Retirement Board, in
response to a poll asking what we really wanted out of life.  I thought
it was so wonderful that I'm passing it along.


I'll tell you what I want:

I want to be in love with my wife until I die.
I want my cat to live a long life.  (I assume this applies to dogs, too.)
I want my children to be happy.
I want the Pope to be honest and say, "Well, you have to do what I say
because I've got the funny hat and the special chair that makes me
I want a machine gun mounted on my car so I can shoot cars that drive 50
mph in a 55 mph single lane highway.
I want to have no more cavities.
I want a litter/litter box combination that not only clumps and removes
litter, but also bags it, ties it, and throws it in the garbage can. Oh,
and I also want it to pick up all the litter my cat tracks on the floor.
I want all the bottles of wine I open in the future to be good ones.
I want to retire early.
I want all the damn dandelions in my yard to die, die, die.
I want a political leader to say, "Ok, no more s**t. Here are the
problems. Here are the best solutions created by the best minds. Drop
partisan crap or get the h*ll out of my way."
I want countries and rebels to stop using children as soldiers.
I want someone to come up with a genetic cure for ice cream headaches.
I want dogs and cats to learn how to brush their teeth. Whew!
I want a cure for cancer.
I want a cure for bad TV shows.
I want all people to apologize *once* for all their bigoted behavior and
thoughts....and then to get on with life without having any more such
thoughts and behaviors.
I want Celine Dion to admit she's not that great a singer.
I want Steely Dan proclaimed official musical group of the US.
I want Kordell to actually be a good quarterback for more than 2
consecutive games.
I want good beer, the kind that makes you say, "Wow! What a wonderful
nature has given us."
I want a clean environment.
I want a car-crushing SUV that gets 900 miles to the gallon.
I want there to be no more gun violence.
I want a military so strong and capable that only a fool would think of
threatening our freedoms.
I want a libertarian government that leaves me alone.
I want a society where all people can succeed.

And I tell you what I want, what I really, really want:

To understand whatever happened to the Spice Girls.