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Mon, 26 Jun 2000 00:40:33 EDT
Carolyn Mann <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 Responses Received:

Secretin is a hormone prepared from the duodenal mucosa of pigs.  It is used
medically in the diagnosis of duodenal ulcers, gastrinomas and for
pancreatic function testing.  It has also been shown to improve patients
with autism.  I am not aware of secretin being used to improve tolerance to
gluten and casin.  It is a prescription and is very difficult to obtain due
to a national shortage.

I am not familiar with the post you reference on something helping one
'tolerate' gluten, but it sent up red flags immediately.  Much as we would
like to find something that we could use to treat gluten intolerance other
than the gluten-free diet, there is no such thing at this time.  This is
not to say that in the future medical researchers may not come up with a
drug treatment, but there is NOT one at the present time.

Secretin is a enzyme sourced from pigs, it controls the acidity of the
stomach -in plain english, Bromelain may be better to help with minor
Glutne/casein incursions, as would be cranberry juice and others, secretin is
available from Julie Merced in drops $20 approx , I have her e-amil if you
wish -it is primarily used in Autism where the results can be amazing

Hi - I think your referring to my summary regarding schizophrenia and
austism.  Actually, the woman who wrote me was not saying that the secretin
helped her son to digest gluten and casein, but that the secretin helped her
sons autism to such a great extent that she decided to allow him to have
gluten and casein in moderation. I'm not sure that her son ever suffered the
gastrointestinal symptoms of celiac.  I still have the email she wrote me,
and I'll forward it to you so you can read it for yourself - just in case you
do have an autism situation.  Good luck to you!

Laurie - below is  email that was sent to me.

I have a son who has autism, he was "lost" within six hours of the mmr. I
have tried everything to bring him back. My biggest aid was meeting Paul
hattock, Sunderland Uni (autism Research dept) who was researching allery
induced autism. When I first met hime he told me that Joe had been born to
become autistic, that it was my genetic predisposition (I am Danish) that
had caused him to suffer autism. He has an autistic son as well. he
explained to me how a gluten and casien free diet could help Joe, and it
did, it was effective within a month and Joes problems were rapidly
diminishing. Then I met Paul again, he told me he had taken his research
further and was now working with others, mainly Andrew Wakefield and the
autistic research centre at Birmingham Uni. he now felt that as well as the
genetic predisposition an environmental insult was required to trip these
youngsters into autism. he is now working with solicitors in the ongoing
compensation claims for vaccine damage incurred by the mmr. At this time I
also heard that homeopathic secretin was available on a trial from
Ainsworth's Homeopaths in new Cavendish Street London [log in to unmask]  (ask
for Tony Pinkus) for a few pennies rather than the very expensive secretin
injections some doctors are prescribing. Joe came out of nappies and started
to speak within 10 days of taking oral homeopathic secretin, in liquid form.
he is still progressing and now his diet is very relaxed as he can digest
gluten and casien in moderate amounts. I have twice stopped giving him the
secretin just to see how he goes and he is ok for a month, maybe five weeks
at most and then I have to put him back on it. His night time hyperactivity
is very reduced when he is on the diet or on secretin and this makes life
easier for me and his brother. it would be better to keep him strictly on
the diet and the secretin but I feel that if he requests a piece of cheese
I'm going to give it to him. I don't know if it's better to have a long life
constantly being denied things or let him have things in moderate amounts
and be happy. at the moment I'm going for the latter.

[Note:  I sent an email to [log in to unmask] and put ATTN: Tony Pinkus on the
subject line, but I have NOT received a reply.....is this address correct? Is
there a better address to get the homeopathic secretin????  Carolyn]

I am also currently attempting to gain a law degree and my disserataion is
on the problem establishing vaccine damage has been incurred in order to
gain compensation, if you have anything  you would like to contribute to my
work please let me know. and if you try the homeopathic secretin let me know
how you go on. Paul Shattock has a website under sunderland uni, just type
in autism research, which contain quite simple but explicit details of how
the damage is incurred.

Secretin is an enzyme which the stomach (or pancreas?) produces. I think you
have to get it by dr.'s prescrition. I saw an amzing TV program on PBS
recently which pointed pretty conclusively to this fact: the majority of
autism cases are caused by the absence of secretin in the body. since celiacs
lack the gluten-breakdown enzyme, I am guessing that there is a relationship
between the two illnesses.....

Go to a search engine like AltaVista (simply enter av.com in the address
window) and then search on secretin. You will find plenty of information.

If you haven't already been told secretin is a hormone that stimulates the
pancreas to secrete enzymes.  I work with autistic children and secretin has
produced quite a stir in the autistic community.  It has had dramatic
results for some children and moderate to mild improvements for others.  It
does seem to work to counteract the reaction that some of the children have
with milk and wheat allergies.  Mostly it seems that the casein and the
gluten have done severe damage to bowel and or stomach(jury still out on
exactly what it does but I think this is it) and the secretin somehow helps.
Check out Autism Research Institute at www.autism.com/ari/secretin2.html if
your interested in finding out more.  It is truly amazing!!!

Secretin is a hormone that stimulates pepsinogen secretion by the stomach
and inhibits the secretion of acid.  It is also important in stimulating the
secretion of bicarbonate from both the pancreas and the liver.

There is a secretin preparation available called "Secretin-Kabi" from
KabiVitrum, Inc.  It is used in pancreatic exocrine disease.

-end of summary---

Please repost address(es), telephone numbers, etc. where the homeopathic
secretin can be purchased.  Thanks!