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Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:40:03 -0000
vinod iyer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (275 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here's a long summary of this thread. Please do excuse me if the mail is
not formatted well..

Something weird is going on.. my stomach noise has kinda disappeared.. I
am on a sufficiently high wheat diet.. eating like hell (burgers et
al).. the only thing I am doing different for quite some time is
sleeping like hell, listening to music, jogging and excercising etc. My
borborygmis have reduced or disappeared too. Of course this could be IBS
and they may return.. but I guess my digestive system gets really
screwed when I am in stress and gets much better when I am not.

Also, I think (not very sure whether it has a placebo effect)..
hyoscyamine tbalets prescibed by my gi help somewhat.. i started feeling
better about the smae time that i started having them.. i was asked to
take 4 pills per day and i had taken just one every morning.. they are
for generic netvous system and digestive disorders..

Thanks a lot!



Hi Vinod,

The reason Indians do not get IBS, etc is that they eat curries.

Curries contain spices which knock out harmful bacteria.

A person with a food intolerance eg, lactose intolerance
sets up the condition for harmful bacteria to alter the
balance in the digestion system.

This imbalance leads to Crohns, IBS, Colitis, wind, noise(?),etc.
Yeast imbalance leads to CFIDS or ME.

Spices bring this back into balance.

One way to keep in balance more effectively is to swallow a small piece
of fresh garlic clove everyday. Fizzy water also controls yeast.  Yeast
causes severe stress as does any food intolerance problem.

To deal with lactose intolerance consume Lactaid tablets.

To deal with Gluten intolerance stay away from it all together.

I was born in New Delhi and suffer from ME caused by yeast overgrowth
caused by lactose intolerance caused by Gastro-enteritis which I got in

I also for a long while had cut down on eating curries.

I hope this helps,

Cheers, Anand.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vinod iyer > Hi Anand,
> Thanks for the note. I will try it for sure.
> I was curious to know whether you were originally from India (born
> there etc). Just that I had never heard of IBS/CD in Indians ever..
> not even stomach noise problems and here I am - an Indian, having all
> these 'stress' related problems. Are you Celiac?
> Hi Vinod,
> The question is why are your stress levels so high?.
> Something is keeping it high and so easily stresses it
> even more.
> I suggest you try carbonated water to settle the stomach.
> This will rebalance the microflora in your stomach relieving
> the stress. Try this with each meal or on its own.

Hi Vinod,

Stomach noises are due to gas escaping somewhere either up or down the
intestines. You could be suffering from Candidiasis. Read any book you can
find in your nearest library on Candida Albicans. There are many. This is a
fungus or yeast which is in everybody but which only causes a problem when
there is an overgrowth. It creates gas. It also creates it's own toxin
called acetaldehyde. The cure for candidiasis is also a dietary one No
sugar. No gluten. No yeasty foods. No fungal foods.

Good luck.

Lucille Cholerton (Chairperson, Gluten Intolerance/Coeliac Support
Group, Durban, South Africa) Web Page:


dear vinod,

hi! i am ramesh from panama city.

i think yours is a very simple case of reflux. if you are in india i think
you have the best doctors at your reach and you can easily solve this
problem by taking a few pills and drinking some of the delicious liquid.

i had something similar while i was in india and it was mainly due to a lot
of stress and no sleep at nights.

hope you get better soon.



Have you thought of getting tested for the presence of the genes
associated with celiac? I absolutely can't tolerate gluten, it give me
horrid headaches, abdominal pain, confusion, etc. so, of course, the
blood & stool tests are useless to me because I can't do the gluten
challenge. So I did the EnteroLab gene test. I waiting for my results to
come in. I will give me peace of mind to know one way or another.



My husband is celiac -- diagnosed 8 years ago -- after many
years. His stomach was unbelievably noisy before diagnosis.

One time in the theatre it was very embarrassing -- quiet,
dramatic play and all through it everyone for at least half
a dozen rows could hear his stomach. So, we think this is
definitely a symptom - although it is not one his doctor
recognized. But his doctor didn't recognize any of the other
symptoms either so ... Anyway, the noise vanished on a gf
diet, and turns up again sometimes when he accidentally gets
some gluten.

Good luck, Mary


I have had a lot of stomach noise like a gurgling
sound. Mine is associated with sugar. A few years ago I became very ill,
horrid stomach aches, and gas and rumbling. I found out that I was sugar
intolerant. This includes all sugars--refined, sugar in fruits and
veggies, etc. If I happen to consume to many foods that add up to more
sugar than my body can handle, I have the rumbling. Something for you to

Don't let them put you have with IB--that's the diagnosis they give when
they don't really know what is wrong!


I take Bentyl to control some of that.

Darlene E. Abbott


Gosh, why are you going to stay on a high wheat
diet? Everything I'm seeing says too much of anything is not good for
us. I'd concentrate on being good to yourself, eating healthy foods in
moderation, getting some exercise and fresh air.....all the things we
typically neglect in our modern lives. Be gentle, eat small, frequent,
healthy meals and try to find some stress reducing techniques that work
for you. For what it's worth...deb P.S. My elder son got his antibody
tests back today and they're negative too. I'm so glad. I figure he's
got allergies to deal with and a healthier diet to implement. He's
always loved high fat foods and lots of beer. Yum. Burp. : )

Deborah Kate Hammond
Hi Vinod:

I am a celiac. diagnosed by Fine although my HMO doctors have a
different opinion. I also have this loud stomach rumble but this is
nothing compared to the other big problems I have. Instead of being
embarrassed about it, I usually crack a joke when everyone in the room
can hear it.

People usually like to laugh with me.



Your problem could be due to nerves of the stomach, some
people(including myself )suffer with severe nerves and it affects the
stomach. I have learned to control them by relaxation therapy and of
coursse as I am Cd i am on a gluten free diet. However another
suggestion is that Raspberry will settle the stomach so I usually drink
raspberry drinks when out. Hope these suggestions help.



My stomach noise is exactly the opposite of yours. I
began having more and more bowel noise just prior to my diagnosis by Dr.
Fine of Celiac Disease. Since being gluten-free, I no longer have bowel noise!


P.S. I was originally diagnosed with IBS!



sounds like gastritis. eat fresh ginger...put it in your
food....buy fresh and make a tea with it...may help some. plus tell it
to hush...Dr. Northrup says to treat IBS like a misbehaving child and
tell it to calm down, etc...read about gastritis.


Hi, Did you go to
this other excellent site too: http://forums.delphi.com/n/main.asp?
webtagiliac&nav=messages Very caring and knowledgeable people to answer
your questions.  Good luck, Mireille.


Vinod Just read your post -- the first thing that comes to mind is
"lactose-intolerant" - most of my family shares the same problem.  And I
remember that, as a child in grad school, I was so embarrassed by MY
stomach-symphony that I always asked to go to the restroom @ mid-morning
where I ate 1/2 of my lunch sandwich.

Anyway, my family and I suffer from lactose-intolerance and (I'm a
dietitian) noisy, gurgling, 'rolling' sounds from the abdomen almost
always is due to lactose-intolerance (with or without celiac.)
Other thoughts: are you actually feeling 'hunger' when this happens - can
occur in those who eat a low-protein, high-carb diet.

Adding a small amount of protein (animal or plant protein) at each meal
and snack may help if this is the case.

Or, do you think you ingest air when you eat -- I know it sounds silly -
but seriously, people who gulp their food (often while talking + eating
at the same time) do gulp air which is carried thru to the small and
large bowel where the trapped air makes sounds as peristalsis carries it
along - also soda-drinkers experience this because the carbonation is
released after the fizz is swallowed. (I really get annoyed when MDs are
so quick to blame everything on "nerves", emotions, etc. - it just
suggests to me that they've given up looking for a reason or are not
interested/motivated enough to try ---) And don't assume you are NOT
gluten-intolerant so quickly - get rid of the gluten again and see what
effect this has on the symphony ---- (or did you already try that?)

(Something else just occurred to me -- do you drink large amounts of any
fluids at a time - prob. 2 cups or more MIGHT gurgle around if you have
very active bowel sounds ---)

Good Luck -- Ruth Arcuri-Kovacs BSN, MS, RD
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