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Fri, 4 Aug 2000 13:27:49 -0700
Rosa Olshevsky <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Just wanted to share something I learned that might
help to some of you with hair loss.

I've had a hair loss about 12 years ago. It continued
for 2 years and I lost about 50% of my hair.

Then it stopped (I never knew why: I tried a number of
different treatments at the same time) and the hair
almost restored later.

When I learned about my celiac 9 months ago, my GE  MD
told me the hair loss then was probably celiac
related. That's why I was very surprised when after 4
months on a gf diet my hair started to fall again! I
was pretty confident this time it's diet related. So I
had food allergy testing (I also didn't feel very
well), excluded all allergenic food; took very strong
vitamins specifically for hair, excluded chocolate,
almost all carbohydrates, limited coffee, exercised.

I toughen my gf diet and didn't eat any processed
food.  Nothing helped.  I also searched all hair web
sites and forums and didn't find any recommendation
besides rogaine, etc.

Finally, I paid attention that next day after dinners
with dry wine and salad with vinegar I have less hair
falling. I searched the web for 'hair & acid' and
found this article:
It appears that low stomach acid  (hypochlorhydria)
can cause hair loss.  Since I never have a heartburn
(but otherwise no symptoms)  I decided to take a
chance and  to test this theory.  So I bought betaine
hydrochoride from a hfs, and started to take 1 before
every meal.

Guess what happened: my hair loss STOPPED IN 2 DAYS!!!

I was absolutely amazed how easy it stopped after 5
months of a pretty heavy falling! I guess there is
something in these 'curing with vinegar', etc. ideas
(remembered my grandmother advice to rinse my hair
with vinegar solution).

I also figured out why my hair started to fall this
time: I don't eat dairy since the beginning of my gf
diet. So I started to take calcium supplement which
probably contributed into the stomach acid lack.

Unfortunately it looks like I have some side effects
from betaine: mild stomach and under rib pain
(probably I also have gastritis or something similar).

I tried to decrease the dosage but I see direct
correlation between the dosage and the hair loss. I've
made and appointment with GE (in a month :( ), so  I
have a question for now:  what generally people with
gastritis  take for a low stomach acid ? What brands
do you take? How do you take calcium  (do you increase
betaine dosage to compensate calcium effect)?

I wish you all great health & great hair!
