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Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:03:40 -0700
Yutta Martin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello All again,

did I ever mention what I am eating? No! But all of the 35 answers told
me more or less the same. (Did you look into my window?) Cut back on the
fat, less carbs, walk more or exercise and eat more times a day, count
the calories. 2 mentioned the zone. Almost everybody recommended to cut
out the potato chips and crabby food. All of them had gained around 20
pounds and couldn't get rid of them.

One left this URL address: http://www.delphi.com/celiac/messages/

One put it eloquently: as Celiacs we are kind of lucky, we can eat like
pigs and still don't gain weight. That's what I was thinking too. I am
still pigging out on all the good stuff, potato chips, chocolate, fatty
stuff and all in huge portions. I have to change my lifestyle. Eat like
normal people. Green vegetables and salads, lots of protein, 5
meals/snacks a day, cut back on the fat, cut back on the fat, and cut
back on the fat and the carbs, and get some good exercise. I always left
out breakfast and was hungry like a wolf in the evening. That will have
to change too.

One I found particularly interesting: (there is one called the
zone...you eat a portion the size of "your" fist of protein and also
carbs, then you can eat all the fruits and vegetables you want and
can even add cheese or butter, etc. but only in small
amounts) then excercise.  That seems to be the tried
and true way to lose the weight and keep it off!! It's
all about portions..

In short: I will eat much less carbs, little fat, much protein and
"good" carbs as in leafy green vegetables and salads, 5 times a day,
exercise regularly, walk to work or something, and have patience. All
said it will take time. And no more Atkins, bad for us.

thanks to all of you, as always, you are a stunning group of people.
