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Sat, 24 Jun 2000 07:50:14 -0400
Carol Lydick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am sitting here so angry I don't know what to do with myself, and I am
afraid I might say or do something stupid. (like interfering where I
shouldn't or writing a angry letter that will do more harm than good. )

Finally, my son, who has been suffering with stomach pain, acid reflux
and indigestion so often, he decided to go for a medical evaluation.  I
asked him and his wife to make sure to ask for a biopsy for celiac
disease since the doctor was going to do a upper GI scope (whatever the
name for it is).  They assured me the doctor had it the CD procedure on
the chart.

Yesterday, when my son awoke, he was told by the gastrointerologist that
there was no need to do a biopsy for celiac because if he "didn't have
diarrhea, he didn't have celiac." .  Additionally he was not the type to
get celiac, meaning that he was 6'4' and over 350 lbs. I am livid. (My
daughter and my husband lost 50 lbs a piece bringing them to normal
weights after going on a GF diet.  Unfortunately it did not help my
weight)  The doctor said that they biopsied some small white spots that
he saw and was going to test my son for candida.  Because of our medical
plans, we are given these doctors.  My husband had this doctor 2 years
ago, and I asked him to test my husband when he was doing another
procedure, but he also gave the reason that it was too rare to warrant a
test. and my husband HAD life long diarrhea.  It could be we both have
CD, but we know my husband is wheat allergic with sneezing, upper
respiratory allergies when in contact with wheat.

I feel like gathering documents to send to the doctor.  I feel like
writing the hospitals that he is associated with.  I feel like calling
him on the phone and reading him out for ignorance.  My question is:  Is
there any way to improve the knowledge of doctors or demand that they
read up on CD.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reach the
doctor?  Would it help if I gathered testimonials of those who do not
have classic symptom of diarrhea and sent them to him?  or do I just
stay silent and mind my own business since my son is an adult?

Carol in NJ