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Mon, 22 May 2000 22:51:59 -0500
Brian Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Today my 2 1/2 year old son had blood drawn to test for CD; however, the
nurses poked both arms and could only get 4 cc's of blood and 8 was
needed.  It was a terrifying experience for him.  They sent it off to a
lab anyway though only half of what they needed.

I am thinking that he does not have CD as he has still been doing much
better in the last 2 1/2 - 3 weeks despite being back on gluten.
Another thing that makes me think this:  In many sources I have read
that CD stools are often greyish in color and have the consistency of
clay.  My son's diapers have never fit that description.  He has had a
lot of diarrhea off and on, but it seems like "normal" diarrhea in color
and consistency.

Also, one more question.  Everyone talks about "reaction" to gluten.
What else should I look for besides diarrhea, esp. in the case of a
young toddler?

My sister seems to have many CD symptoms.  She has lots of digestive
problems plus aching bones, tiredness,  the need to eat urgently or will
have no energy, tooth enamel problems and even loose teeth in the past.
When I mentioned CD as a possibility, she shrugged it off saying that
the Prozac she takes may be the cause of the GI distress even though
these problems began before Prozac. She takes an unheard of amount of
Tagament and products of the kind.  Also, she readily admits that her
stomach stays bloated much of the time. She says that eating bread type
products actually make her feel better.  I have nevertheless urged her
to see a GI.

Thanks once again for all the wonderful help.

Melinda in TX