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Wed, 30 Aug 2000 20:13:20 GMT
Rosie Potter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, this is my first post to the list.

I was diagnosed earlier in the year after many years of 'problems' -
digestive, fibromyalgia, rashes, weight loss, anaemia, etc., and now low
bone density and teeth problems.   The DH was diagnosed by skin biopsy.

I have been on a gluten-free diet since March and have been finding it quite
difficult especially when trying to eat out. Having the energy and
motivation to be thinking of imaginative g/f food when tired and fatigued is
sometimes too much effort.  Food is not really of much interest anymore!

Being GF has helped the digestion enormously but not the DH as yet although
from all my research into this condition, I understand it can take a long
time of being g/f to see a reduction in symptoms.  I was put on Dapsone in
May and although this worked for a little while, it didn't last and I was
having break-throughs.  The doseage was upped and then the problems started.
  Haemolysis, photosensitivity, changes in skin texture, increased
tiredness, loss of appetite, blue lips.  I was taken off it as a result of a
blood test as haemolysis was occuring.  Sulphapyridine has now been
suggested but having looked into this drug, I have chosen not to go on it as
it is also toxic.  I am sticking to homoeopathy and other complementary
ways.   I had to come off the Dapsone to realise how awful I felt on it.
All the good work I did over the last few months in putting on weight went
as the drug suppressed my appetite.  The fatigued increased as it caused me
to become even more anaemic.   But I now feel much more positive.

I have been very interested to read what can trigger flares of DH.  Stress,
seems to be my worst one, I didn't know about Iodine or Kelp.  I'm also keen
to know more about gluten connections with toothpastes and cosmetics.

I'm looking forward to be able to have contact and share information with
others who have CD/DH. The UK list I belong to is great but it appears there
are very few people with DH that subscribe and so I feel quite isolated.

Happy to be part of this list.
