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Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:41:41 -0700
Joanna deFelice <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

thanks for posting this lauren!

i started making these thai or vietnamese spring rolls (i've seen them
listed several ways) early this spring and they are delicious! i like to
saute the chicken or tofu in garlic and ginger first and make a dipping
sauce that is part bragg's aminos, gf rice vinegar, and a tiny bit of
sugar. i just pig out on them! fortunately, they are easy to make, low fat
(tho i could probably use some!), and healthy.

btw, if any of you have recipes for good summertime rice salads, i'd love
to see them posted here. i've been eating so many corn chips that i think
my body is starting to protest (making me think i should leave corn alone
for a while 'til i'm sure). dairy has turned out to be a problem, so please
nothing with dairy in it!