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Wed, 12 Apr 2000 18:29:18 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello to all-

I received 18 responses to my message about the decline in quality of
Pasteriso Spaghetti.

Many responded that i overcooked it. This is simply not the case.  I
have been buying and consuming Pasteriso pasta for 4 yrs and I have
never had a problem with stickiness or gumminess until recently.  I pay
very close attention to the time its cooking taste testing constantly
until its ready.  In the past I have never had a problem with Pasteriso,
that's why I liked it so much.

One respondent said they noticed no difference in the product. Many said
they noticed a difference as well. One respondent suggested that Quinoa
had been added which might explain the stickiness, but the box does not
list it as an ingredient. Another respondent said that the quality of
the product is inconsistent and suggested that a move of the company to
a new location may have something to do with the recent decline in

Many suggested the following alternatives: Tinkyada, Bi-Aglut, Dietary
Specialties, Dr. Schar, EnerG and a product I'm unfamiliar with called
"rice stick" purchased at a oriental food store.

I have sent e-mails to Rice Innovations, the makers of Pasteriso, twice
but have yet to receive a response from them.  This is very frustrating!

If you want to read the individual responses here they are:

I had tried this a few times, but by your description it sounds like
they incorporated Quinoa.  When I had cooked the Q noodles the gumminess
is just what you described.

Jerri in Md.

What I buy all tastes the same, but I can't figure out is sometimes it's
green, and sometimes normal color.  and the box seems to be the same.  I
sure like this brand

Have you tried the Tinkyada brand, I have a pasta machine, always made
my own until I tried everything the Tinkyada offered.  I really like
it.  I don't bother to cook my husband his own kind anymore, he says he
likes this as well.  Try it, just once.  I think you will agree it is
the best.  I only tell you this from my own experience, I have no
connection with this company.  Mo Moss

You are so on target about this.  I noticed a difference in
the texture, as well as the gf customers who shop at the store
where I work.

I recently made the switch to Tinkyada Brown Rice Pastas.

Wonderful texture, without the "gumminess".  Highly

Gwynneth in Boston

Yes, I have experienced this too in the past.  When the pasta is good,
it is very good, but when the pasta is bad, it is very bad.  The quality
control is not good, I guess.  I was told they had a fire and then a
flood, if I remember right.  More recently I heard they moved to a new
location.  Whether these factors effect the product quality, I'm not
sure.  I do feel, however, that they owe me approximately 6 new boxes of
spiral noodles due to poor product.  Let me know what they say.  I keep
telling myself I'm gonna do something about it, but single parenthood
and a challenging job seem to be taking all my time these days.  ( and
the celiac diet, of course :)  ) Suzanne

Check your box, is it the brown rice one?  My main trouble is even
finding it to buy ... their machine broke down and it has become hard to
find .. they are also making a pastata (from potato starch instead of
rice ) contact the company ... hope you can get some info ... I've had
not luck ... a response would be nice from them!  Catherine

I am still in the "looking for the best product" stage of celiac, and I
have found that the pastas containing blends of flours to be better than
single-flour pastas.

I don't care for Pastato (potato) or Mrs.  Leepers (corn), but Bi-Aglut
and Dietary Specialties make good-tasting/texture products.

I recently tried Pastariso "macaroni & cheese" and found it a bit salty.
 I did salt the water slightly, but I always did.  I would try it again
 with just "plain" water.

Copley, Ohio  USA

The trick with cooking gf pasta is to use a much bigger pot and a lot of
water.  Also you must stir constantly to keep it from sticking and cook
it for 4 minutes and then begin taste testing every 30 seconds until
just right.  Then you add a cup of cold water to the pot after turning
off the fire, and drain.  Do not rinse.  This works well with all gf
pasta whether it is Pastariso or another brand.  Please put this in your
summary to the listserv.  It will be very helpful.  It took us a lot of
time, and many ruined pasta dinners before we got this tip from someone


Bev Wahl

We use this all the time and I haven't noticed any difference.

Jane in CA

I have noticed that Pastariso is not always fresh. That may be your

The last package I bought tasted more like the cardboard box than like

HI. Have you tried the Tinkyada brand, they make linguine and a spinach
spaghetti.  Pretty good.  Don't overcook.

Marisa in NJ

You may want to try Bi-Aglut or Dr.  Schar pastas.  I find them the best
and closest to wheat based

Hi- I've tried all kinds of gf spaghettis, and last night tried "rice
stick" from an oriental food store.  It is best pasta I've tried, and
the cheapest at that!  Not sticky or gummy at all.  When it soaked up
the pasta sauce I couldn't have told the difference from real pasta.
Hope you can find it.

Your post came at an interesting time!  Last night, for the first time,
I cooked some Pastariso spaghetti.  I have had this box for a while so I
don't know if it is the new or old version.  I put some olive oil in the
water as I was cooking it.  I also put a little more olive oil in the
spaghetti after I drained it.  I added some various vegetables to it and
both my non-celiac husband and I thought it was pretty good.  If, in
fact, we are stuck with the new "gummy" version, I think you can improve
the quality by adding a a little olive oil to it.......best wishes,
Leslie in atlanta

PS My celiac daughter told me recently that she thinks EnerG rice
spaghetti pasta is very good and works well; you may have tried this and
found it not to your liking, but my daughter is very picky about her
pasta and if she likes this, my guess is that it is worth a try.  You
may have to order if from EnerG Foods in California.........again, best
of luck, Leslie



The brown rice selections seem the best.

Had the same experience with a new package of Pastariso Mac/Cheese.

you overcooked it.  Start testing much sooner. It turns gummy very fast.

--Jerry Burns