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Camper Mick <[log in to unmask]>
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Camper Mick <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:31:09 -0400
text/plain (140 lines)
So where do I get this monkeyboy clip?

Peter Altschul wrote:

>                'Bad Boy Ballmer': The Life of Microsoft's Monkeyboy
>Computer geeks amused themselves in the summer of 2001 by e-mailing around
>a now-famous video of Steve Ballmer, the C.E.O. of Microsoft, firing up his
>troops. The clip, quickly dubbed the "monkeyboy video," featured a
>sweat-drenched Ballmer prancing across a stage, arms flailing, screaming:
>"Whoo! Whoo! Come on, get up, get up, get up. . . . I! Love! This! Company!
>Yesssss!" One tech columnist likened Ballmer's gyrations to "a moose being
>poked with a cattle prod and maybe enjoying it a bit too much." Another
>suggested Ballmer seemed in need of medical attention.
>Ballmer's monkeyboy act seemed freakish to the uninitiated, but those who
>knew him were not surprised. Ballmer had, after all, once shouted "Windows!
>Windows!" so furiously at a sales meeting in Japan that he ripped his vocal
>cords, requiring surgery. And industry rivals who have negotiated with, or
>competed against, the linebacker-size Ballmer trade tales of his chilling
>intensity. One C.E.O., treated to a good-cop, bad-cop routine from Bill
>Gates and Ballmer, called the pair "the Pearly Gates and the Em-balmer: one
>sets you up for heaven and the other prepares you for death."
>In the public mind, Gates has always been the embodiment of Microsoft. But
>for the past two decades, while Gates has been the software giant's
>technology guru and public face, it has been Ballmer, a close friend of
>Gates from their undergraduate days at Harvard, who has quietly made
>Microsoft work as a company. Ballmer took on a more public role in early
>2000, when he was promoted from president to Gates's former position of
>C.E.O. (Gates retained the title of chairman.) Now, as head of a company
>with a stock market valuation of more than $250 billion, Ballmer is
>arguably the leading businessman on the planet.
>Operating behind the scenes, Ballmer managed to avoid being the subject of
>a biography. But now Fredric Alan Maxwell, who grew up in the same Detroit
>suburb as Ballmer at roughly the same time, has filled the void. Maxwell,
>whose publisher bills him as a "researcher and writer," has dug up some
>interesting stories, particularly from Ballmer's early days, but he has
>produced a clunky book that is far less interesting than its subject.
>Like so many technology titans, Ballmer started out as a misfit. The son of
>a Swiss immigrant father and a Jewish American mother, Ballmer was an
>awkward child who excelled in academics. Despite his hulking size, he had
>more enthusiasm than talent when it came to sports. To be part of the
>basketball program at his Birmingham, Mich., prep school, Ballmer
>volunteered as team manager. He was, the coach recalls, the best manager he
>had ever seen: the balls and towels were always where they should be, and
>the team stats were perfect.
>When Ballmer arrived at Harvard, he struck up a friendship with Gates,
>forged in movie outings and late-night study sessions. But even then, it
>was clear the two men had fundamentally different natures: Gates was the
>nerdy code writer, Ballmer the hard-driving business careerist. When Gates
>built his software company, he did it with another classmate, Paul Allen.
>Ballmer was off selling ads for The Harvard Crimson, and putting The
>Advocate, Harvard's literary journal, on firmer financial footing.
>While Gates and Allen toiled away at their fledgling company, Ballmer honed
>his marketing skills at Procter & Gamble, where he helped sell Duncan
>Hines's Moist & Easy product line. But after a year at Stanford Business
>School, Ballmer left the safe corporate path to join Gates, whose little
>computer start-up was now racking up $12.5 million in annual sales.
>Ballmer played a classic role in tech start-ups: he was the
>bottom-line-oriented grown-up, who freed the computer nerds to focus on
>writing code. As soon as Ballmer arrived, he set to work hiring needed
>staff, rewriting Microsoft's generous overtime policies and generally
>professionalizing the company.
>Ballmer had undeniable charisma and a knack for inspiring the rank and
>file. He also brought with him from Procter & Gamble a talent for branding
>that proved crucial to Microsoft's success. One Microsoft insider described
>the Ballmer-scripted, $250 million marketing campaign for Windows 95 as
>"what God would have done to announce the Ten Commandments, if only he had
>Bill Gates's money."
>These were, as the federal courts have affirmed, harshly competitive and in
>some instances law-breaking times at Microsoft, and Ballmer was intimately
>involved in the company's hardball tactics. Maxwell runs through the
>depressing litany: the "vaporware" (phony announcements of product
>releases, designed to throw off the competition); "hidden API's" (secret
>bugs in Microsoft's code, to trip up rivals' software); and ideas
>repeatedly, and blatantly, stolen from competitors.
>Ballmer's attitude toward the government's attempts to address these wrongs
>has sometimes been boorish. When a federal judge refused to sign off on an
>early antitrust settlement, Ballmer told reporters that "the judge needed a
>brain." When the Justice Department filed a more sweeping antitrust suit,
>Ballmer publicly declared, "To hell with Janet Reno."
>A tech biography lives or dies by revealing, or at least entertaining,
>personal glimpses. Maxwell offers up a few, including a wildly improbable
>tale of Ballmer and Gates, as college students, going to Studio 54 and
>bumping into Ballmer's second cousin, Gilda Radner, who was partying with
>John Belushi.
>But too much of the book has an emptying-the-notebook feel. Maxwell is the
>kind of writer who has trouble resisting the irrelevant aside (the
>connection, say, between Hitler and Harvard football) or the accretion of
>obvious detail. To be fair, the paucity of new revelations is not entirely
>Maxwell's fault. Ballmer refused to cooperate with him, and Maxwell had to
>do battle with Microsoft's public relations army. Any journalist who has
>covered Microsoft can sympathize with his complaint that "in 15 years of
>professional writing I have never come upon a less helpful group of public
>affairs people."
>Despite the dot-com collapse, a nasty recession and a bruising antitrust
>battle, Microsoft is standing taller than ever, and Ballmer has stepped
>into the spotlight as its pugnacious leader. Maxwell was right to see that
>we are in need of an insightful, detailed biography of this singular
>corporate force of nature. Unfortunately, we still are.
>Adam Cohen writes editorials for The New York Times and is author of "The
>Perfect Store: Inside eBay."
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