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Amy Ruell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Amy Ruell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 May 2000 20:42:43 -0400
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello all,
I'm afraid that the weather interfered with our VIBUG chat last week.  I,
for one, was logged in at 7:50 P.M., but had to quickly exit with a rather
harried alt f4 when the lightning struck at about 8:02.  Unfortunately for
me, in an unrelated incident, my new sub woofer is slowly sizzling and
requires replacement, which means that I will be unable to be on the chat
this week unless Airborn Express makes a speedy delivery from Dell.  I have
notified the other officers and they will be sure to be there to help any
of you who are new at the chat and need a little encouragement or a
friendly voice at the other end of your sound card!!!
We had a successful demonstration of the Braille Note and Internet Explorer
class on the 13th of May.  Save the date!!!! On June 10th, at 11:00 A.M.,
Jeanette Kutash will be presenting an intermediate class for Word users
with JFW.  After our business meeting and question and answer portion, John
Mattioli will introduce us to Quicken 2000 with JFW.
Thanks to the generosity of the Serranos of Rhode Island and the expertise
of John Mattioli, who did the installation, we now have a Braille Navigator
available for use at VIBUG classes and demonstrations.
Just a few final friendly reminders!!! (Smile!)  Please remember to
  let us know if you change your e-mail address or other contact
information.  We will soon announce the Nominating Committee, which will
recommend a slate of officers for the upcoming elections in
October.  Please also remember to view the VIBUG website  to  read minutes,
listen to audio versions of past meetings, and enjoy the wonderful work of
our webmaster, Tim Cumings, who now is an officer, following the passage of
the proposed bylaws change.  Please also feel free to contact me or any of
the other officers if you have ideas, concerns, needs, or complaints about
Amy Ruell, VIBUG President

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