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David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Mar 2000 15:05:32 -0500
text/plain (270 lines)
This is good news for all of us who use assistive technology to browse
and use the internet and those who just find it a real pain to do so.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines promoted to W3C
Proposed   Recommendation
Resent-Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 22:35:16 -0500 (EST)
Resent-From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 22:34:24 -0500
From: Judy Brewer <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]

WAI Interest Group:

The following message, sent today to the User Agent Guidelines Working
Group mailing list, gives background on the User Agent Accessibility
Guidelines (UAAG) moving to Proposed Recommendation.

Congratulations to the User Agent Guidelines Working Group.

- Judy

Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 14:29:38 -0500
From: Janet Daly <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
Organization: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Subject: Announcement: W3C Promotes User Agent Accesibility Guidelines
to Proposed Recommendation

W3C is pleased to announce that the User Agent Accessibility
have been published as a Proposed Recommendation, and are now under
review by the W3C membership.

The Document:

  "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0"

    Title page date: 10 March 2000
    Editors: Jon Gunderson, Ian Jacobs

  As a quick reference to the checkpoints defined in the Guidelines,
  note also the appendix checklist, available as a table or list:


  The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 is the major deliverable
  required by the charter of the User Agent Guidelines Working Group
  The charter is available at:

  The guidelines in this document explain to developers how to design
  user agents that are accessible to people with disabilities. User
  agents include graphical desktop browsers, multimedia players, text
  browsers, voice browsers, plug-ins, and other assistive technologies
  that provide access to Web content. While these guidelines primarily
  address the accessibility of general-purpose graphical user agents,
  the principles presented apply to other types of user agents as
  well. Following these principles will help make the Web accessible
  to users with disabilities and will benefit all users.

  The Working Group has published 27 drafts since June 1998,
  including a Last Call Working Draft on 5 November 1999 and
  a Candidate Recommendation on 28 January 2000.


>From Status of this document, at:

   This is the 10 March 2000 Proposed Recommendation of User Agent
   Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, for review by W3C Members and other
   interested parties. W3C Advisory Committee Members are invited to
   send formal review comments to [log in to unmask], visible only
   to the W3C Team, until 7 April 2000. This revision reflects
   resolutions to issues raised during the Candidate Recommendation
   review period. A history of changes to this document is available
   on the Web.

   Note. Three checkpoints in this document (checkpoint 5.1,
   5.2, and checkpoint 5.4) refer to the W3C DOM Level 2 [DOM2]
   specification, which  is a Candidate Recommendation as of 10 March
   2000. The User Agent Guidelines Working Group will be tracking
   dependencies on that specification as it advances to Proposed

   Publication as a Proposed Recommendation does not imply endorsement
   by the W3C Membership. This is still a draft document and may be
   updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It
   inappropriate to cite W3C Proposed Recommendations as other than
   "work in progress."

   The public is invited to send comments about this document to the
   public mailing list [log in to unmask] (public archives).

   This document has been produced as part of the Web Accessibility
   Initiative. The goals of the User Agent Working Group are described
   in the charter. A list of the Working Group participants is

Results of the Candidate Recommendation Review

The general goal of a W3C Candidate Recommendation review period is to
gain implementation experience and to demonstrate implementation
interoperability. The User Agent Guidelines Working Group approached
the Candidate Recommendation review with the following goals:

  1) To document how some existing user agents satisfy the
     The Working Group's implementation report includes direct input
     from a number of user agent developers. The report is available

  2) To document that the W3C DOM will promote interoperability
     between user agents (e.g., browsers and assistive technologies).
     The Working Group surveyed user agent developers (browsers,
     multimedia players, and assistive technology developers)
     and solicited reviews of the Guidelines with this question
     in mind. Information about reviewers and their comments
     is available at:

        The reviews of the DOM requirements of Guideline 5 raised
     a number of issues that the Working Group resolved and
     documented in its issues list.

     Note: Three checkpoints in this document (checkpoint 5.1,
     checkpoint 5.2, and checkpoint 5.4) refer to the W3C DOM Level 2
     specification, which is a Candidate Recommendation as of
     10 March 2000. The User Agent Guidelines Working Group will be
     tracking dependencies on that specification as it advances to
     Proposed Recommendation. Should the User Agent Guidelines
     be approved as a Recommendation, the User Agent
     Guidelines Working Group expects to request this status
     once the DOM Level 2 specification has become a Proposed

  3) To revise the Techniques Document. The Techniques Document
     suggests some implementation ideas for satisfying the
     checkpoints in the Guidelines document. The Working Group
     intends to publish the Techniques Document as a W3C Note
     when and if the guidelines become a Recommendation.
     Refer to the revised Working Draft at:

Additional Support Materials

  List of Document Changes.

  Resolved Issues List.

  User Agent Responsibilities. This document explains how
    Working Group decided that the requirements in the guidelines
    were appropriate for general purpose user agents.

  Impact Matrix. This document explains which audiences are
    most likely to benefit from each checkpoint.

Minority objections

  During last call, the Chair registered one minority objection
  to the resolution of an issue about documentation of input
  configurations. The minority objection is documented at:

Review Process

During the next four weeks, the W3C Advisory Committee will review the
UAAG 1.0 Proposed recommendation and send comments as to its
disposition, according to the W3C Process, section 6.2.4:

6.2.4 Proposed Recommendations (PR)

Requirements for Entrance
        The Director must be satisfied that the Candidate Recommendation
        has a sufficient level of implementation experience or requires
        immediate Advisory Committee review.

Associated activities
        The Working Group requests political and promotional support from
        the Advisory Committee.

        The duration is specified as part of the request for Advisory
        Committee review. The review period may not be less than four weeks.

Next State
        Upon Director approval based on Advisory Committee review a Proposed
        Recommendation is advanced to Recommendation. Otherwise it reverts to
     Working Draft for further work.

A Proposed Recommendation is believed by the Working Group to meet the
requirements of the Working Group's charter and to adequately address
dependencies from the W3C technical community and comments from
reviewers. The Director issues a call for review of a Proposed
Recommendation (accompanied by other materials such as documented
minority opinions, implementation status, etc.) for political and
promotional support and feedback from the Advisory Committee. The
period may not be less than four weeks.

Although the Advisory Committee may also comment on technical aspects
a specification, most technical issues should have already been
at this phase. There is no requirement that a Candidate Recommendation
have two independent and interoperable implementations to become a
Proposed Recommendation. However, such experience is strongly
and will generally strengthen its case before the Advisory Committee.

The editors of the Proposed Recommendation must respond to substantive
comments from the Advisory Committee until the end of the review

No sooner than two weeks after the end of the review period, the
Director announces the outcome of the proposal to the Advisory
Committee. The Director may:

                1.Issue the document as a Recommendation.
                2.Issue the document as a Recommendation with
                          minor changes indicated.
                3.Return the document for work as a Working Draft,
                          with a request to the editors to address certain issues.
                4.Abandon the document and remove it from the W3C

Public comments are welcome, and may be sent to [log in to unmask]

for Tim-Berners-Lee, Director

Janet Daly, Head of Public Relations

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