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mathew jallow <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sat, 30 Aug 2003 17:37:21 -0700
text/plain (169 lines)
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--- Michael Moore Mailing List Message
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 14:16:45 -0400
> From: "Michael Moore Mailing List Message"
> <[log in to unmask]>
> To: "Mathew K.Jallow" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Happy Labor Day - Now, Get a Job
> August 29, 2003
> Happy Labor Day - Now, Get a Job (A letter from
> Michael Moore)
> Greetings Friends,
> For his part, George W. Bush will spend Labor Day
> doing what he does best ­
> not really working. Instead of protecting the
> country (I'll have much more
> to say on that in the coming weeks) or addressing
> the nation's floundering
> economy, he'll be raising money for his re-election
> campaign in Ohio.
> Bush is on pace to raise almost $200 million in time
> for the Republican
> primaries where his only competition will be his own
> dismal record. In
> Minnesota this past Tuesday, Bush raised $1.4
> million by giving a 24-minute
> speech. That's about $60,000 for each minute of
> "work." By contrast, the
> weekly salary of the average American worker is a
> staggering $616.
> As Ron Eibensteiner, chairman of the Minnesota
> Republican Party, left the
> event in St. Paul, he was met by hundreds of
> demonstrators. Being the
> dignified, freedom-loving, compassionate
> conservative we all wish we could
> be, Eibensteiner leaned over a police barricade
> toward the protestors and
> yelled, "GET A JOB!"
> It was a positive, uplifting message to America. The
> Minnesota Republican
> Party isn't going to do anything to turn the economy
> around, and Bush
> hasn't done anything in almost three years in
> office. The best any of them
> can do is yell at people.
> In the past year, 700,000 people were added to the
> list of unemployed. The
> number of people out of work for half a year or more
> is up 28%. Thanks to
> "Welfare to Work" (and Bill Clinton), July of 2003
> saw 43.8% of the
> unemployed lose their state support even though they
> still could not find a
> job‹a record high. Since Bush took over the country,
> roughly 2.5 million
> jobs have simply evaporated.
> Bush and the Republicans are going to need every
> cent of that $200,000,000
> to campaign against an increasingly angry nation of
> temps and burger
> flippers! In fact, he might need more, which is one
> good way to explain the
> Republican's recent attempt to paint Bush as an
> 'underdog.'
> "Democrats and their allies," Bush's campaign
> chairman Marc Racicot wrote
> to super-rich Republicans, "will have more money to
> spend attacking the
> president during the nomination battle than we will
> have to defend him."
> Obviously Bush and his team have a problem with math
> that extends beyond
> the $400 billion deficit we'll have by the end of
> this year (and the
> projected $6 trillion deficit we will have amassed
> ten years from now under
> Bush's guidance). If you look at the campaign
> fundraising so far, you see
> that Bush has already raised $35 million. The
> closest Democratic candidate,
> John Kerry, doesn't even have half that. Does the
> Bush campaign know
> something we don't about where the Democrats are
> hiding all that money?
> And who has been giving Bush all this money in a
> time of prolonged economic
> downturn? Why, the companies that trade in money, of
> course! Of the top
> twenty contributor's to the Bush campaign, twelve
> are finance companies.
> With more than a year to go until the election, his
> top contributor,
> Merrill Lynch, has already given $282,250. Doesn't
> it seem just a little
> strange that the companies which SHOULD be suffering
> the most in Bush's
> destroyed economy, would not only want to keep
> Junior around, but then get
> together and pump millions into his reelection
> campaign?
> As for the Bush protestors in Minnesota, and the
> unemployed across the
> country, and the millions who only make minimum
> wage, and the 40 million
> who don't have health insurance: if you can't rake
> in $60,000 a minute ‹ or
> if you can't even manage the $616 weekly American
> average‹there's only one
> thing left for you to do this Labor Day: GET A JOB!
> Find a temp agency. Go to Wal-Mart. Join the Army
> (Lord knows we'll be in
> Iraq for a while, and that'll be one handsome,
> steady paycheck).
> Or apply for work at the Minnesota Republican
> Party's office. Here's their
> email address: [log in to unmask] Send them your resume
> and a nice letter
> telling them you've decided to take their advice to
> "GET A JOB"‹and you're
> coming to work for them!
> But whatever you do, you really must quit your
> whining.
> You are scaring the "President."
> Yours,
> Michael Moore
> [log in to unmask]
> www.michaelmoore.com <http://www.michaelmoore.com/>
> ---
> If you wish to be be unsubscribed from this mailing
> list, please click the
> link below and follow the instructions.
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