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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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"Peter R. Munoz" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Thu, 10 Jul 2003 16:05:03 +0000
text/plain (62 lines)
The following letter in support of maintaining and expanding the Head Start
Program was sent to our Congress representatives.  Please distribute widely

Please consider signing your name and sending it to [log in to unmask]
TrueMajority will send the letter on your behalf to the appropriate members
of Congress.

For more information on Head Start, please visit:


Thank you.

From: "Peter R. Munoz" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Don't Let Bush Dismantle Head Start SEND ACTION~a10086u40381
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 15:37:48 +0000

Dear Representative:

Our nation desperately needs the Head Start program to ensure equal
opportunity for all.  This important program has an impressive track record
of success in helping kids in poverty.  For example:

* Children who participate in Head Start are more likely to graduate from
high school;

* Children who graduate from Head Start commit fewer juvenile crimes, and
are more likely to not cause societal harm as adults;

* Head Start investments leverage federal tax dollars savings of up to 400%
because it prepares children for success in school and for a constructive
role in society.

President Bush's proposal to replace Head Start with inconsistent and
untested state programs makes no sense at all.  This proposal is a major
affront to some of the most important values of our country.

Rather than dismantle Head Start, please fight to expand its funding to
cover all eligible children;  this is clearly the right thing to do for our
country, both morally and fiscally.


Peter R. Munoz
4102 Meadow VAlley Drive
Madison, WI  53704

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