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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
yeks drame <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 03:05:14 PDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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My stance is to justify the value and the appreciation for the use of other
languages too on this parnell. Even at the "bantaba" original! people do
speak different languages, and here the aroma and beautity of the varieties
made those societies to enjoye a multicultural environment. I mean, after
having all those requirements, which I suppose is one of the characteristics
of an ideal "bantaba",why should it be merginal in the usage of the mediums?

As we can see, this communication device is nothing like "regional" or
"local", it covers large distance areas, to say the entire universe! It is
therefore, fundamental to recognise the fact that this forum should not be
treated as secluded in such a manner that only Enlish speaking audience
would have the opportunity to express themselves and make their views heard.

To understand the other will explain a lot about our percieve value for
empathy. Yes, the majority is the must important part of every civilize
society. However, to promote that we must value the importance of the
minority, and that is, we have to know where they stand. To rally behind the
old "goose says" "English is our official language" is not promoting
knowledge, instead we keep on dancing to the old tunes. And, I wonder what
is considered to be a common language on a global description?

Well, I buy your compromise, to transulate will do a great favour, but lets
not condemn the idea of writing in other languages.It is not just fear!

>From: Yusupha Jow <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [Re: [Re: senegal]]
>Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:18:04 EDT
>Yahya, I am not disputing the essence or beauty of language.  The gift of
>gab, especially the ability to put it on paper, is one of the greatest
>attributes of man. The inflections, intones, it's ability to transmit a
>message to many, and, finally the fact that it describes things that none
>of our other "attributes" are able to describe so aptly, makes language a
>thing of beauty and wonder.
>But my point was not an exercise in the beauty or essence of language, but,
>rather, it questioned the logic of posting in other languages on the L.
>The only reason I raised my objection is simply because, like it or not,
>English is our official medium of communication on the L.. Similarly, a
>Bantaba is a place where people come together and have a discussion in a
>common language.  And it is usually characterized by rapid fire questions
>and answers, no place for someone that cannot or is not willing to
>understand the medium of communication.  An attempt to do anything else but
>to conform to the language that is being used is a futile exercise in my
>One could argue that there are a few others who are not fluent in the
>language and they need to be catered to.  These people understand a bit of
>English, otherwise they would not be part of the L.  But what about the
>majority of us who would like to read about a topic regarding the plight of
>our African brothers in Mauritania or police brutality towards Gambians in
>Sweden, but cannot do so because it is in a language that we are unable to
>comprehend?  For this reason, I suggested a compromise whereby, along with
>every post in a foreign language, there should be an accompanying
>translation in English.  This would serve a dual purpose.  First, it would
>help those who are not so fluent in our official medium of communication to
>learn English and to therefore be better equipped to actively participate
>in this Bantaba in the future.  Also, it would allow the majority of us to
>understand the content of French posts etc.
>Since my initial response to Fatou's post, I have modified my stance.
>Hopefully, I am not being unreasonable.
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